Need a website developed


Registered User
I need to get a web site done.
As I have no clue were to start I need your help.
Were can I get a company that can create a website?
And how much would it cost?
Re: Web Site

What do you want the website to do?

The amount of functionality you want it to do will more or less determine price. If you want something very simple, just a few pages with photos,graphics etc then it should be cheap. If you want something more comprehensive which needs a database then it would be a bit more.

You should get someone to host and design a basic website for about 300euro tops, hosting will cost maybe 40euro a year I think. Basic website creating is very easy, you'll probably get a student or someone to do it for cheaper than 300....depends what you want.
you'll probably get a student or someone to do it for cheaper

[RANT] Of course you could also get a student to give you financial/legal/whatever advice for less than a professional with experience would charge. But would you want to? [/RANT]

Hosting of the website can be provided easily through the many hosting services within Ireland and beyond. The cost of the development of the website can vary a lot depending on functionality - e.g. a 5 page simple brouchure site will cost less than a full e-business site with shopping carts, secure payments, etc. You need to know what it is you want to achieve.
Ryanair originally got a student to design there site for next to noting. But I suspect that tale has morphed as it has been retold over the years.

Two of the three basic costs of setyting up and running a website are fixed (note: costs are for 1yr):

Domain: €7.95 for .com or €49 for .ie
Hosting: €59 with
Desing & Maintence: €0+

So basically you can have the basic website for €67/€108 + whatever it costs to design.

If your interested in doing just a basic brochure website; i'd be happy to do it for a few quid! I run my own site and will be building one for my local club soon... oh and i'm a student!
Dearg Doom said:
[RANT] Of course you could also get a student to give you financial/legal/whatever advice for less than a professional with experience would charge. But would you want to? [/RANT]

Basic website development is a lot easier than maybe you think. If you are familiar with the basics, have a bit of creativity then you dont need 10 years of experience to get started. In fact its not that much more difficult that writing a word document and adding in some graphics. You are not exactly comparing like with like here, financial/legal advice is on a different level to basic web site development. If someone wants a complex website then yes they will need a "professional".
I don't have an understanding problem with web development. I don't doubt CGorman's ability (or anyone elses) ability to write some basic HTML or to use a WYSIWYG application to do so. Nor do I doubt their ability to do so at a rate that would be uneconomic for a business. What I do doubt is his ability or willingness to provide on going support for it, especially during rag week, exams, summer holidays, etc. Or solve browser compatibilty issues or whatever else might crop up.

My point is that if you want good advice on financial or legal matters you wouldn't turn to a student to save a few quid because of the potential downside. Don't think that there is no downside in doing the same with I.T. issues - whatever they may be.
If its a basic website then you dont need the original designer to maintain it. More than likely maintenance will only involve updates to the content rather than massive redesigns. As more than likely the website will be hosted by one of the hosting companies you wont need to worry about server maintenance or security either.

As for browser compatibility issues you wont have any for basic websites. I feel sometimes that people percieve that they get better quality for the more they pay, this isnt always true on the lower end of IT like these basic websites.
If you want a .ie domain, I believe you will need to have an existing business in place and provide the registration authorities with some proof. At least that was the case when I tried to do so a couple of years ago for a friend who was setting up a business. The request was refused until such time as the business was legally established.

Well, i've been building Sunshines website for the past few days. Its live at the moment, but still nowhere near finished: [broken link removed]

We are toying with colours at the moment, so please don't laugh! I am aggreeing to provide support for a 6 month period and teach her the basics of running a brochure website.
First Choice Au Pairs caters for Au Pair's from accross Europe
Misplaced apostrophe and a spelling mistake on the home page, CGorman? Tsk, tsk... ;)

[Edit: Actually, I see quite a number of 'apostrophic' spelling/punctuation errors - there and in - but I'll shut up for fear of being branded pedantic!]
Nice layout! But I'd lose the big --------------> thing and take off the quotation marks. They're not meant to be used for emphasis!
P.S. The [broken link removed] is a complete haimes, tbh - I can barely even decipher what's meant by the last sentence... ('restons pour assurer des choses courons sans à-coup pour le Au Pairs et la famille de centre serveur.') — and I'm used to reading/deciphering bad French!)

Mind you, most French websites are appallingly translated into English, too, so I wouldn't lose sleep over it. Here's my good deed for the day:

L'agence First Choice Au Pairs, basée à Newbridge*, dans le comté de Kildare, [*how about a hyperlink here?] sert de liaison entre les au pairs ressortissants de l'UE et les familles d'accueil en Irlande.

Depuis notre centre administratif, nous assurons un contact continu avec la famille pendant toute la durée du séjour, pour assurer le bon fonctionnement de l'échange de part et d'autre.

First Choice Au Pairs accueille des au pairs de toute l'Europe : nous parlons également allemand et néerlandais. N'hésitez donc pas à nous contacter...!
You are great! Sunshine speaks German an Dutch, so we can get them done easy, so that would be 2.5 translations out of 5 that are good... the italians and spaniards will have to put up with us!