nct question


Registered User
recently bought a car which had been laid up for 18 months, gave the car to a mechanic who got it roadworthy and passed the nct. thing is when i looked at the nct cert they had backdated it to the time the old nct had run out which only gives me 6 months cover. now maybe im being simplistic but how can you backdate repairs to a car. im sure if i had an accident in a car that wasnt nct'd i couldnt backdate cover for insurance purposes. can this be right?
The NCT test is due initially on the 4th anniversary of the manufacture date of the car and then every 2 years subsequently, this is regardless of when the test takes place.
looks like you only got until the end of the 2 year period.
this has been the case since day one. nct is due when its due.

No advantage in leaving it for a few months then doing it.

If you only have 6 months left then the nct was 18 months late.

I don't know what would happen if the test was out by over 2 years though.
I don't know what would happen if the test was out by over 2 years though.

Does anyone know what happens when the NCT is over 2 years out of date? I was recently stopped by the Gardai as my NCT expired in June 2006.
Does anyone know what happens when the NCT is over 2 years out of date? I was recently stopped by the Gardai as my NCT expired in June 2006.

District court appearance, fine and penalty points.
I meant as regards to having a new NCT test done - as requested by the Gardai.
I am told assuredly that if the test is over two years then that period wont be back dated. It will only be back dated if the test is within the period. Once 2 years are gone it sthe start of the next period and you cert will be valid for those 2 years with the previous 2 years forgotten about.
Thanks Ceatharlach. I better book my nct soon, before am stopped again.
all of which brings me back to the original post. if i hadnt got the car nct'd, had an accident, my insurance company asked me to produce an nct cert for the time of the accident, then i get the car nct'd and of course it's backdated. does this mean i had an nct at the time of the 'accident'?

i think not !

if you have an accident then the NCT would only come into it if the accident could have been avoided because of something that would have been corrected during an NCT - for example a rusted brake line or bald tyres. but if you were stopped at the lights and someone rearended you i think an insurance comany would have to fight hard not to pay out!