Nct on recently purchased Car


Registered User
I purchased my car in Mid-July. (06 registration) Immediately applied for an N.C.T as the garage where the car was purchased was experiencing long delays in getting N.Cts. (Dealer allowed me the cost of the test) I gave the Nct Company the option of three centres each about 20 miles from my home for an appointment) Got an appointment to have the test carried out today. I arrived at the centre 10 minutes prior to the appointment, but was not attended too for 30 minutes. Car was failed due to a number plate light bulb having blown, although there are 2 number plate bulbs on the car. I told the tester that I would get a bulb, fit it, and return immediately. He told me not to return till 1,45 as they were going to lunch. I immediately purchased a bulb, fitted it, returned to the centre, and drove away with my new cert, Two hours spent having the test.

On arriving home I discovered that the cert is only valid till next February. Have I any come -back here, or am I responsible for the previous owner not having tested at the proper time.
Them's the rules: if you are late getting the test done, the cert is valid only to the date it would have covered if you had the test done on time.

It's as well that the garage financed the test for you, or you would have a genuine grievance.
Caveat Emptor? I'm surprised that you didn't realise when you purchased it that a 06 car should have been NCT'd in 2010..even when you apply for the NCT you have to fill in the date of first registration - did you not realise that it had been due in Feb 2010?

I'm also surprised that you didn't get a better deal from the garage. I bought a 2004 car in 2008, 2 months before its NCT was due. Garage paid for NCT but also guaranteed me it would pass and did a mini service on it the week before the test.

I'd be tempted to play dumb and go back to the garage and complain but not sure it will get you anywhere.
Seems like you got a sore deal mate, them garage blokes are smart I think even if you complain its gonna fell on deaf ears. Unfortunately for you it seems like a lesson learnt the hard way...
It does seem a bit unfair, but it's the way they have it 'structured'. If I were you - and I'm pretty sure this is possible - I'd pre book another test straight away and get the 2 year cert. It would be hard for them to fail a car that they tested a few weeks previous!
This is definitely something you should check thoroughly when buying a car. A car whose NCT expired more than a year ago should set off alarm bells, the garage might have been afraid it would not pass. What if there was a defect which required major work?

In this case, unfortunately for you, you have no come back. But given that the car has since passed the test, you may have been lucky.

If I were you - and I'm pretty sure this is possible - I'd pre book another test straight away and get the 2 year cert. It would be hard for them to fail a car that they tested a few weeks previous!

That's not possible, for second and subsequent tests, you can only get it tested three months in advance. The due dates will not change and remain synced with the anniversary date of first registration of the car.
That's not possible, for second and subsequent tests, you can only get it tested three months in advance. The due dates will not change and remain synced with the anniversary date of first registration of the car.

That would make it eligible for testing in December 2011 if I'm not mistaken ...