NCT and Notification


Registered User
Just wondering does one have to contact the NCT centre to arrange for a test, or is a reminder sent out automatically. We bought a car last year (an 04 model) and it was NCT'd in May (it should have been NCT'd the previous year but for some strange reason this did not happen and we insisted on an NCT Cert before we bought). The Cert has an 05/10 date on it which states that it's due another one this May. Haven't heard a dicky bird from the authorities. Should I be chasing this?
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Eith ....

You DO NOT GET notification any more. Its up to you to get it done within date.

If left after date and depending on the Garda if stopped - waiting for the cert to almost expiry date is not a valid excuse anymore. In some cases even if you produce proof that you have an NCT booked but a month or two beyond the expiry date - the response maybe "well you should have booked well in advance of the expiry date" - this happened to a mate of mine, however he got away with a slap on the wrist - this time,

I dont believe what im reading! my NCT is out since march 2010 and I rang numerous NCT centres within driving distance to my home and they are all booked up and I am on a call back list seemingly!

We booked NCT on 27th April and received an appointment for 5th May - Thats 6 working days wait - Waterford NCT centre
Where did you read they don't send notifications. One of us got notification and the other didn't. Both cars the same year and both due. Just got it done the other day.
Can someone tell me please-is a car owner notified of the NCT due date or should he/she just go ahead and book based on the car reg date?
Can someone tell me please-is a car owner notified of the NCT due date or should he/she just go ahead and book based on the car reg date?

I logged into the system one day and could not get an appointment. I rang the NCT and she said that May dates weren't opened yet but to check in a day or so.

A week later I got an appointment in the post so it seems once you go onto the system they will forward you one.

The date I got would have been too late but I managed to get a date for the next saturday when I went back into the system.
Can someone tell me please-is a car owner notified of the NCT due date or should he/she just go ahead and book based on the car reg date?

I did not get notification either. I had to ring NCT.IE
I work in a tyre shop recently had a man come in to have a puncture repaired

I took off the wheel to check it out. The tyre was completely worn to the point the wire was exposed on the inside a closer look showed the same problem on the other front tyre (an indication that the tracking may be off) which was directional and fitted on the wrong side of the car.

When i tried to tell the owner he needed two new tyres he produced his brand new N.C.T. cert obtained two day's before!

This is just one example we see this kind of thing on a regular basis
I work in a tyre shop recently had a man come in to have a puncture repaired

I took off the wheel to check it out. The tyre was completely worn to the point the wire was exposed on the inside a closer look showed the same problem on the other front tyre (an indication that the tracking may be off) which was directional and fitted on the wrong side of the car.

When i tried to tell the owner he needed two new tyres he produced his brand new N.C.T. cert obtained two day's before!

This is just one example we see this kind of thing on a regular basis

may i be the first to post, that this is a lie in my opinion.
Unless the tester was blind, there is no way a car like that would pass.
That NCT said that the car was OK when the car was inspected. After the test was passed someone then took the four good tyres off the car and put on the old ones. Easy.
I dont know what happened between the car passing the N.C.T two day's previously
and the owner arriving in to my work place but the man did say to me"but it only passed the test the day before yesterday" and showed me his cert he did seem genuinely surprised his tyres were in such bad shape and he replaced them there and then