Navan or Arklow for €317.5k for FTBs

If you have any doubts about buying the Navan property, please tell the vendors to enable them keep the property on the market, as you appear to have cold feet about the purchase. Bear in mind, the vendors are relying on you buying their property to make their own plans and it is most unfair to keep them dangling if you are that unsure in any way.

As someone trying to sell at the moment (contracts not signed yet), I had one couple it turned out, "agreed" to buy three houses whilst they had a think about which house suited them best. In the meantime, I turned away (two), but could have been lucky, potential purchasers. Please treat others as you would like to be treated.

In respect of Navan, I can understand your husbands reluctance to undertake a miserable commute when he is curently only doing a 15 minute one. We are based in Clondalkin and had a girl working with us travelling from Navan. It took her an average of over 1.5 hours morning and evening to do the commute. She eventually had to leave and took a serious salary drop to work closer. In respect of the stamp duty, even if you buy at €381, you pay €23K approx. If you take home €5K per month, that is almost 5 months net salary. Compare that over the lifetime of a mortgage to a lifetime of a lengthy commute. I know which one I would take. Also take into account which is the better area, Navan or Bray, or Arklow for facilities, capital appreciation (if any now) or more to the point, if there is going to be a drop, where would be hit most.
I also understand your husband's dilemma. It's a long commute. However the commute was the same months ago when the decision was made. I presume you've put your feelings across....maybe he would consider trying it for a year or so. I don't hold out much hope of him being happy though. Once a thought has set in etc. etc.
yes...typical man huh..
i think he can only have one choice...can't have both...
i agree the traffic in N3 is a absolute nightmare.
the point let ur husband to drive kids to school is rather valid as u have to travel further if u guys moving to Bray.

kids will be happier if they stick with same schoolmate i think

well..there will never been a clean cut as which is rite.until u moved down there...and in Bray u can have a choice of DArt or car.that can be a bonus.
Guys...we're sticking with Navan..thanks be to god. I have got 3 job offers up there this morning from interviews I went to last week so chuffed. I have got ds into a lovely school and my sister is going to mind the kids for me while I am at work but I will still send dd to creche in the mornings part time coz she loves other babies her own age. Hubbie will put up with commute for 6 months and re-think his own situation then. He works from 8am to 4.30pm so I think it's not going to be as bad as he is making out. I am very close to my sister so it's really great. My parents are even thinking of moving there(currently in Sth Dub) once we def settle there coz we are all very close so it would be lovely.
Hubbies sis lives in Arklow and her reaction to us thinking of moving there was unreal, we are not even that close to her and we would have been "invading her privacy" P*ss off, as if I would be bothered anyway but that's another story. Thing is, for once in her life she has done me a favour making my case to move the hell out of Wicklow and have a fresh start in Navan even stronger!!.
All I want now is a pint!!!. (and a fag...just one...with the stress and all!!)
The truth???...divorce or me going it alone up in Navan until he see's sence was the options I gave him it's only fair that he agrees with my effort of putting down roots for our children in a nearly new house in a lovely area. The only good thing about Arklow was being able to keep the kids in the same school and creche but I think that commute in the car for them twice a day from Arklow to Bray would have been terrible. I would then have had to go to work in town after dropping ds to school like I do now and we live in Bray and the mornings are so stressful!!.
i agree with you my are selfish aren't they? even i am one now i hop ethe picture is much clearer for you..Navan is the place to be.and going near the sister in Arklow is a no no...there will be crap load of hassle if u moved there...
There would be nothing but hassle if we lived in Arklow with the inlaws crawling all over us...major nasties there, love kicking you when you are down but I am a firm believer it what goes around comes around.
He was being very selfish and unreasonable and the fact that he went to Arklow to see houses and made an offer on 2 of them, my god, he really thought I was going to lie back and take this and was using the argument of not uprooting the kids from their routines in school and creche as the PRO reason for living there and oh yeah Arklow houses have a better re-sale value for the future according to him...nonsence!.
The valuer has been out in Navan anyway and the solicitor has our loan offer for Navan so it's all systems go. I still feel stressed though!!. The only thing I am going to miss is the closeness of Bray to Dundrum Town Centre but my Visa account won't!!. hahahaha..
yes...beieve me..buying a house is stresstful...this i sonly the starter...organising moving and settle down...thats the main course...but i got to tell you after all are getting a house of your own! you can walk around in ur nickers when u want to..and ur can paint the house pink from front to back...thats the joy u will get ultimately..
Well I am particularly looking forward to decorating my sons room in red as he has always wished coz he is Liverpool FC mad with a bit of batman thrown in for good measure and doing up dd's room with Dora the Explorer and having MY OWN KITCHEN!!!!!!!
yes...go check out the furnitre store to see anything suits the new house to be...or anywhere maybe doing discounts...
i moved into my own house on x'mas day...can you believe that?
hope thinking about all this can cheer u up a little bit more!
I just have to think positive coz I have spent the best part of a week in tears and arguring the toss about things and I just can't take anymore.
Wow...Xmas Day, you mad thing but it must have been a laugh in the end. I'd say you had a good few pints that night!
We are getting all practically new whirlpool appliances in the kitchen inclusded in the sale which is great. I need to go to Arnotts to get the best bed I can afford coz after years of sleeping on cheapo landlord style beds I intend to make up for it.
HAA...WE ARE MAD YES...even more mad is the bloody Lithu neighbours next door having a party that nite till wife and i already bloody exhausted..nearly got out the house with a revolver shoot them all
I am really good at sorting out neighbours like that, have a bit of repuation for it due to the way I put a stop to our neighbours "small gathering of friend" (NOT!!!) last Good Friday. I lost it totally, with a small child and baby at the time it was UNREAL and everytime I politly asked them to tone it down I was ignored and laughed at. I called the cops, the usual responce "it's civil matter"..grrrr. So, I walked into the house and unplugged their stereo and amplifier and gave them a very worrying threat and they were evicted a week later!!. Any tips just ask mate!!
AHHH..YOU CAN BE MY NEIGHBOURS anytime! i am sure we will get on damn fine as neighbours!
those Lith people moved out last x'mas so thats the best x'mas present for us!
and you know wat my neighbour next door is pretty much like you..she will not tolerate any crap outside our door...
she sorted out some troubled neighbours couple of times!
Ah jaysus man you're from luuucan..only messing. I have a few good friends living out there, my best mate lives in Esker.
I don't take any crap from anyone, my dad even sets me on people that annoy him, the day I moved out of home he was upset at the thoughts of his home grown bouncer fleeing then nest!. My sister was having probs with Lithu neighbours, about 10 of them in a 3 bed house and they are like a pack of dealers. I ate them of parking up the This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language of my car one day,like they can't even drive properly..don't get me started.
Oh my god just won €8 on a scratch this a sign or what!!. Or am I just a big saddo getting excited over €8!!