Natural Stone Driveway..seeking info..


Registered User

Help..I've been doing a search, but I can't find the post I've been looking for...

There was a conversation about driveways and someone had a natural stone driveway put in. They posted a link to a website, it looked a great job but I can't seem to find it.

Thanks for any pointers you can give..
Hi Kazsal,

Unfortunately our upgrade did not go as well as expected and the search function does not appear to be working correctly. Bear with us and it should be back to normal in the next few days.

In the meantime you may find something useful on
Things are back to normal now so you should be able to use the search option in this forum only and find the necessary thread.

P.S. Would this be the thread by any chance
Thanks Sueellen,

Still no joy, the paving used was very similar to the nautral stone carpets that are used in houses. A layer of fine pebbles sealed with resin. It'll teach me to bookmark threads that are of interest to me!
Hi Kazal,

I thought that Top Stone site looked really good also...but I haven't been able to find them in either the Golden Pages or Eircom phone-book - just wondering are they still up and running? Have you or anyone tried them - are they as good as they look, and if it's not too cheeky - what sort of costs are involved?


Jack B.
Try [broken link removed] especially the 9th, 11th, and 12th examples on this page.
[broken link removed] These examples are in natural stone.
If you mean a gravel drive I can give you details of a company who supply the necessary material and it is reasonably easy to lay.
sueellen if I may reply to siteman & Issard without mention to my business.
Where as I would promote loose gravel driveways for thier cost effectiveness and good looks and the fact that most people can install these themselves with a bit of hard work, they no way relate to a resin bound stone driveway for a number of reasons namely: all stone used with resin has been washed and dried, the skill involved in mixing and laying resin bound stone ,health and safety,drainage considerations, design of the finished job and the fact that loose stones are not tracked into the house, for these resons resin bound is best left to the tradesmen. Another cost to consider is that there are no companies in Ireland that can provide washed and dried aggregates which I have to import, where as I would rather deal with a local company. Bit of a rant however just trying to show the difference between the two finishes.

Hi there .Top stone did my sisters driveway and it was brilliant.