National Pub Boycott Day – Fri 9th Sept ‘05

Re: National Pub Boycott Day – Fri 9th Sept ‘05

What specific taxes are targeted by the pub boycott day

Duty on alcohol and the many taxes that the publican will have to fork out in the day to day running of the pub. At the end of the day, all these taxes are passed on to the punters, creating 'rip off ireland'.

For example, if a publican buys public liability insurance, there's a government levy. They have to cover this levy so the price of drink increases. I wonder just how tax goes to the government from beginning to end - from inception to urination - for a drink? Add up all the compounded taxes, duties and levies.

if the Government is the culprit, why are the publicans bearing the brunt of this high profile nationwide boycott?

Don't many publicians have close links with the government? (especially when it comes to matters of deregulation and cafe style bars). It seems a good place to start. People seem to be very price senstitive when it comes to drink - apart from when they've had too much!
Re: National Pub Boycott Day – Fri 9th Sept ‘05

I don't the need for the 'drama' of a one-day boycott - If you don't reckon that pubs offer a good value for money experience, why not just stop going to pubs altogether?
Re: National Pub Boycott Day – Fri 9th Sept ‘05

To be fair to umop3p!sdn he has already said that he doesn't frequent pubs so at least that alleged rip-off doesn't affect him.

For those who believe that pub prices are a rip off I just wonder at what price they would consider, say, a pint of Guinness to stop being a rip-off? As I have already mentioned I know of at least on establishment in which I can have a €3.20 pint of Guinness in comfortable and friendly surroundings and I certainly don't consider that too expensive, never mind a rip-off. Of course I know of establishments that charge enough to put me off frequenting them but at least the statutory requirement that they display price lists means that I can apprise myself of the situation in advance and make an informed decision as to whether or not I will patronise these places. If I felt that all pub prices were too high then I could always buy my drinks in off-licenses or supermarkets, where the prices are lower, and imbibe them elsewhere. Maybe we should all send the relevant minister a can of Dutch Gold in protest? That'll show him!
Re: National Pub Boycott Day – Fri 9th Sept ‘05

the nite clubs will still be full to the rafters no matter how many of us decide to join the boycott, and their customers won't notice prices unless fat frogs are €20 in which case the just might. however I do think it has the makings of the start of a protest that a great number of punters who enjoy drinking in moderation, and who feel that they are being exploited more than ripped off could sympathise with. Publicity is all important and if enough people stayed away then maybe, just maybe, with the threat of a 'boycott' on the 2nd Friday of each month the government, brewers and publicans just might ease off on their relentless pursuit of increased profit.
ps for what its worth I was waiting for the motorway bus back to Dundalk two weeks ago and had a few minutes to spare. the bus stop is in parnell street, outside Judges pub and I popped in for a quick one. Beamish was advertised on the wall at €3.25 a pint and Cu ordered one. Couldnt tell the difference in it and Uncle Arthur, but most of the locals appeared to be supporting the local brew. Didnt see a price for it but I suspect a bit more than €3.25. Not pub spy but the pub was fine and I found the customers friendly and had a chat with one of them for a few mins before the bus arrived. and thats another thing €10 return to Dundalk on the motorway on a brand new coach. No rip off there. Wouldnt pay the parking in Dublin I suspect.Bus Eireann threw that opportunity away and serves them right.
I'm sure that daltonr will explain to me how I really am being ripped off though.

What's this? The Kuala Lumpur jibe didn't get me involved so you ask for me by name??? And there I was thinking you didn't like me.

Of course you're not being ripped off. If you feel you get good value for money and you enjoy going to the Pub then good for you. Anyone else who feels the same pub is overpriced is a free to say that as you are to say otherwise.

I don't drink so I only go to the Pub if someone else chooses it as a place to meet. That's been happening less recently with restaurants now becomming more popular for a night out.

I would say that a one day boycott won't do any harm, but probably won't achieve the goal either. If you think a pub is too expensive for the service you get then stop going completely. I doesn't make much sense to go back to a pub after a boycott and pay a price you're unhappy with.

People are abandoning pubs. Last Christmas our group literally sat in an otherwise empty pub for a big chunk of the evening. I don't want to talk down the idea because anyone is free to adopt any initiative within the law.

If the boycott got media attention then it might be useful as a means of drawing attention, but it will serve no economic funtion to spur either pubs or the government into action. That will only happen by an actual shift in consumer behaviour.
Which IS happening anyway.

Re: National Pub Boycott Day – Fri 9th Sept ‘05

didn't the group that owns Cafe Ein Seine and a few other pubs make a rather large loss in their last accounts??? a loss in the order of millions??
Or am i wrong?
Re: National Pub Boycott Day – Fri 9th Sept ‘05

If you must go to the pub, why not order a few rounds of tap water with ice and a twist of lemon as Eddie suggested - all night long. (alcoholics can always disappear into the jon to skull their favourite contraband tipple in the bog as the ladies have been know to do)

Would be very interesting to see a full pub with the cash registers on strike!

Pubs making losses in Dublin? Ah yes! no wonder the poor owners have to drive S Class mercs.
If you must go to the pub, why not order a few rounds of tap water with ice and a twist of lemon as Eddie suggested - all night long.

Is a Pub/Restuarant within their rights to refuse to provide Tap Water and insist on selling you Bottled water? I thought I heard about this happening somewhere. In their defence if a customer insisted on Tap Water and then got sick as a result, would the business be liable?

I would imagine that as long as the staff of a licensed premises don't contravene the relevant they can legitimately refuse to serve you a specific beverage or at all.
I thought there was an obligation to provide water, but I wasn't sure. Perhaps I'm mixing up night clubs with pubs. Dammit I'll try it the next time I'm in a pub. What's the worst that could happen?

Re: National Pub Boycott Day – Fri 9th Sept ‘05

daltonr said:
What's the worst that could happen?
You might be refused and/or people might think that you're some sort of crank I suppose?
Re: National Pub Boycott Day – Fri 9th Sept ‘05

legend99 said:
didn't the group that owns Cafe Ein Seine and a few other pubs make a rather large loss in their last accounts??? a loss in the order of millions??
Or am i wrong?

10 Million euros!
Re: National Pub Boycott Day – Fri 9th Sept ‘05

I have often asked for a pint of water in pubs, and never been refused. It was usually so I could resume drinking 20 minutes later, though I dont think the reason concerned the bar staff. cafe en sein has refused to pay some of its staff sustaining progress and unbelievably have been back up by the labour court.
cafe en sein has refused to pay some of its staff sustaining progress and unbelievably have been back up by the labour court.

Are private businesses obliged to make pay increases at the same time that they make losses? I would hope not. I'm glad to hear the labour court backed them up. I'm sure if their wages fall sufficiently behind the competition their staff will leave.

Can we rename sustaining progress to sustaining inflation?

Whoever organised the boycott for Friday Sept 9th obviously forgot that it is the weekend of the All Ireland Hurling Final. I'm sure both sets of supporters will be content to slake their collective Friday night pre-match thirst on Dublin's park benches once they hear about this brilliant idea...
Re: National Pub Boycott Day – Fri 9th Sept ‘05

Would it not make more sense, rather than boycotting ALL pubs, for people to go to the (very) few pubs around that are lowering their prices? Show the rip off publicans that that is what people want.
Re: National Pub Boycott Day – Fri 9th Sept ‘05

When is the Askboutmoney drinkies gettogether gonna happen? Not on 9th sept i hope?