National Irish Bank - New chequebook crossing & co


Registered User
National Irish Bank have introduced a new crossing on all new chequebooks issued since the beginning of October. They now include an automatic crossing "& Co."

I tend to write a lot of cheques to "Cash" but I don't think I can continue to do so with this crossing. Does anyone know if you can continue to write cheques to cash with a crossing? I think & Co means they have to be lodged, because they can be endorsed on the back to my knowledge, and lodged to a third parties account.

Would it be okay to make a cheque payable to cash once its lodged? I do not want it to bounce and have problems for the payee.

I wish this was an opt-in service, I suppose its another method to discourage Cheque use. But when you pay €12.50 Govt Duty you expect some flexibility.

I know BoI have a crossing but no wording "& Co." etc.
Does this link help at all?

[broken link removed]

Hi ClubMan, thanks for that link. Its very useful. It appears I can continue to write cheques to Cash. They have to be lodged of course, but seeing as NIB are cashless, the old idea of presenting this cheque to my branch for 'cash' is no longer useful.

Thanks again.!