National Employments Rights Authority


Registered User
Hi all

A small business that I do books for is going to be subject to a NERA inspection next week.

Has anybody ever had one, what can we expect?

This lady complies with all regulations regarding employment law and has all PAYE etc up to date.

I am just wondering if there is anything else that we should be aware of?

Thanks in advance
Do you know if you have any disgruntled employees. NERA generally act on complaints. NERA will want to see all time sheets and ensure at least min wage is paid (depending on the organisation) A big contention is tea breaks. If tea breaks have been omitted from time sheets NERA can make employers pay. There are quite a lot of areas effected. I'm sure if your employer is law compliant then you will have nothing to worry about. Good luck.
I dont think there are any disgruntled employees - there are only a couple of girls working there, but maybe one of them complained about something.

They dont actually operate timesheets as there are so few of them and they work it out among themselves, which also means there is no record of breaks so this might proove to be an issue.

Many thanks for your quick reply
