Napster To Go - 30-day free trial?


Dr Moriarty

Anyone seen [broken link removed]?

Note that you need a Napster To Go-compatible player, Windows XP and Windows Media Player 10 - in other words, you get secure .wma files, and the small print says
'It is necessary to maintain a Napster subscription in order to continue access to songs downloaded through the Napster service'.
I guess that means the .wma files you've downloaded become unusable if you don't sign up? ($14.95/month for unlimited access, hmm... :rolleyes )

Presumably then, to change them to .mp3 you would need to record them in analog from the PC or burn them to audio CD, then rerip them to .mp3? Or what about just converting them to .wav and then from that to .mp3? Do .wav files conserve the SDR encryption, or are they just audio data...?
Unfortunately Napster to Go only support as small amount of [broken link removed].

Convertion of files protected by Janus (The Micro$oft DRM used by Napster to Go) will only allow you to play and to put it on the compatible player, which checks after a defined time if you still have a license. Burning to CD with WMP is out of the question as the license would not allow that.

So only recording would be an option but wouldn't it be better just to pay a certain Russian site for traffic or buy it at some online dealer?