Nanny in my home -- Please tell me...


Registered User
Please can anyone tell me what I need to do if I employ a nanny to work in my home Mon-Fri 8-5? I know I need to register as an employer but am not sure how to and what else I need to do.
Thanks very much,
Hi Folly,

As you said you need to register with Revenue as an employer. Go to go to forms/registraion and work from there.

You also need to look at your home insurance.

would suggest ensuring garda clearance of the person, checking that references are valid and correct
Thanks for replies past30now, pc7 and bluespud. Am taking precautions with references and garda checks thanks. Still haven't found someone suitable..the search continues! Will check out revenue too. I was hoping to get a reply and insight from someone who has had the experience of having a nanny work in their home.
I could be way off the mark here as things may have changed since I went about seeking garda clearance years ago for a job, but AFAIK you can only obtain/request garda clearance for certain positions within certain organisations where you would be working with vunerable children - the request has to come from an organisation that is recognised such as the HSE or educational boards, or childrens' organisations like Barnardos etc, they don't provide this service to just anyone who requests it.

Obviously references should be checked thoroughly but I think obtaining garda clearance would not be viable.
Hi snuffle
Thanks for reply. To get garda clearance you need the person's permission and to send off to gardai in templemore. It is possible, also a childminder can already have garda clearance and can give a copy of this.