Named drivers on policies

If at first (or second!! ) you don't succeed, try, try again!!
ok ill try again......

last year i put my GF as a named driver on my policy. It cost an extra €300.

A lot of people said to me after that when putting their GF's / wives on their policies, they were only charged an admin fee.

Is this common? do only some insurers do it?

or is it all a load of beachballs?

please let me know what you think

thank you
I saved money by putting my boyfriend as a named driver on my policy I saved €180 and he saved €220 by putting me on his. I'm with Axa and he is with Hibernian. We are both over 25 with full licences, so that may be a factor.

Is she on a provisional licence?
yes she is, maybe thats it? she needs to be on a full licence.
im with hibernian.
From an insurance point of view yr g/f is an unknown risk and thats why they charged you €300 to put her on your policy.

Your don't say what her age is, whether she has any NCB of her own, type of car your both insured on etc. these all pay a major part is deciding your premium.

If she is on her first provisional, €300 isn't bad really to add her onto yr policy. I'd inquire if she could do the ignition course (about €70) which really drops the premium by giving provisional licence holders the equivalent of a couple of years NCB.

An 18 yr old girl (who minds my daughter), got her first insurance on an Opel Corsa 1.0 for just over €700. Prior to taking the hibernian course the cheapest insurance was double that!!

Hope this info is useful. Amanda
Both our policies came down when we added the other to our policy - perhaps if you word it as your partner as opposed to GF it might help?
I rang Eagle Star about putting on my sister as a named driver. She was 21 at the time and had driven for 3 years under my parents' policy and for 1 year under her own policy. She had a full licence. I was quoted €600 - needless to say, I promptly forgot about it!
Eagle Star do a good ladies policy - might have been cheaper to have you as a named driver on her policy instead of the other way around.

If yr sister has her own policy and was comp - she would be insured to drive your car anyway, albeit 3rd party only.

Eagle Star aren't the cheapest insurance around anyway - why not have a mooch at other companies??
thank you all for the replies.
my 'partner' is 30, 3rd provisional. had her own policy about 6 / 7 yrs ago but then sold car and stopped driving (because i make such a good chauffeur.....apparently).
its a 1.6 hyundai coupe.

the ignition course sounds like a good idea.
99% sure that you must have applied for your test to go on the course. Give Hibernian a bell and they'll be able to give you a lot more info.
ACA said:
99% sure that you must have applied for your test to go on the course. Give Hibernian a bell and they'll be able to give you a lot more info.

yeah she has applied (she's on the 10 year waiting list)

thanks for that. will ring them.
Is she living with you, or is that too personal a question ?
Most companies will allow you to name a spouse for free, with just an admin fee payable. I discovered (by accident ) that this applies to non married partners living together with some companies.
I was on the verge of paying EUR300 for my partner, when I gave his address, and suddenly, it was EUR25 !
Does the Ignition test discount apply to all companies tied to Hibernian (I believe I heard this before) or simply Hibernian themselves?

Is there anything available, or being thought of, slightly more generic to allow greater freedom to move about? The advanced driving test () would more than likely be beyond most motorists starting out.

The ignition course is definatly worth sitting as even just saying "I got a quote of XXX from YYY due to my having passed the ignition course" would give your current insurer a kick and the confidence in your/her driving skills to give you a better quote.

I seem to remember someone saying your refunded the cost on passing the test (??? heard from a third party so may only be if your insured with Hib at the time?) and that you may sit the test/session more than once should you fail.

Confirmation on the website...
The course fee is €225.
If you are not already a Hibernian policyholder
and you successfully finish Ignition, we will refund the fee in full when you take out a new Hibernian private motor policy. You must take out the new policy within three months of finishing Ignition.
If you are an existing Hibernian policyholder
and successfully finish Ignition, we will refund the fee to you once we receive your course result from the IAM.
If you are not successful
we will also refund the fee once we receive your course results from the IAM.
We will not refund the fee if you fail to turn up for your Ignition course without giving us 48 hours' notice (by phone).
I put my mate on my third party policy - and it cost €20 for the year! He has a full licence, no accidents but he's only 25. Bizarrely enough they (Axa) were charging the same amount to put him on the policy for just one day.