Name that tune...?


Have to put together music clips/questions for a "worthy cause" table quiz...

Can anyone tell me the correct title of that scary Latin-chanting piece that was used on the soundtrack of The Omen? You know, the one with the big strings and crashing timpanis backbeat, that tells you the hounds of hell are on the loose and "some-really-bad-sh1t-is-going-to-happen-now"...

(With apologies to the classical music buffs!)
Naw, it's not that one, thanks 'though! (Amazon) gives samples of the first five, but it's none of them. I think it might be "The Dog's Attack"...?
hmmm rum goings on. I did a google site search and had hundreds of results, most of them on the forums mind you. I thought that was the link Id posted..

open google and use following search term

omen site:

the main whatsthattune search engine really only does ads but I love the fact theres an artist out there called bumcello.
Watched the movie again over the weekend and I think you could be looking for the "speeded up" version of the first song in the link I posted.
Ave Satani is the title track you're thinking of - the piece with Gregorian chanting that's quite similar to Orff's Carmina Burana.
I don't mean the slow, brooding piece with the occasional Sanctis...Dominus...[etc.] chant and the church bell going 'dong' in the background, I mean the one that goes real fast and builds up to a stirring choral crescendo...

I think I'm going to have to rent the DVD again!
Are you talking about the bit in the movie where Gregory Peck is bringing the son into the church to stick the 7 knives into him?

I think that's "The Altar"?
I'd suggest also using the well known music from 2001:A space odyssey....thats
"Also sprach Zarathustra" by Richie Strauss
Nice piece, but I'm told the theme is supposed to be Halloween/Spooky/Dressing-up (grown adults, I ask you! )

And yes, I've plenty of clips from (this)...!
Phantom of the Opera....Tocatta & fuge in D Minor by Bach

fantasia...The sorcerers apprentice by dukas

theme from Alfred Hitchcock presents...Funeral march of the Marionette by Gounod

Tubular Bells(mike oldfield) is surely a cert from The Exorcist

and the theme from Halloween itself must be included....

My suggestion is play 10 tunes and rather than name that tune...which is very hard with these pieces....ask what movie they are from!!!

And is the that main Omen scary tune not Carl Orff's "O Fortuna"??? or is it just that they sound alike??? Ok, its not according to this:

But if its the Omen song that sounds like it, then its Ave Santini.
Just listened to the Halloween theme....

Forgot how much it scared the bejaysus out of me as a kid!!!!

Alfred Hitchcock presents
The Omen
Rocky Horror

2 suggestions from others...
Or how about the Friday 13th music - ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha - very creepy!
Is it the one in the Old Spice Ad? I think that song is actually about an orgasm. I'm off to find a link
pricilla said:
Is it the one in the Old Spice Ad? I think that song is actually about an orgasm. I'm off to find a link

Nominate as most interesting post of the year!!!

do you mean song 1 off this list??
Jaysus, fair play to you, pricilla - I'd forgotten that Old Spice ad!
[broken link removed] (requires RealPlayer, bleh...)

"Orgasmics for men" — because we're worth it...