name spelt wrong on Ryanair booking - 1 letter


Registered User
Family travelling to Liverpool from Shannon next weekend and just realised that my wife's surname (double barrelled on passport because of kids) has 1 letter missing in it. Is this likely to cause difficulties at check in or should I just ring them and pay to change the name just to avoid trouble?
But if they are sharp can they stop her boarding altogether or will we just have to pay the fee to change the name and Bob's your (albeit expensive) uncle?
My parents were away recently with my aunt and uncle flying Dublin to London with Ryanair. Uncles initials/first names were in the wrong order eg David Joseph instead of Joseph David., Staff were making a biggish deal but then let them go ahead but told them to be prepared on the return leg for possible hassle.
All bar my mum are in their 70's -shes not far off it though. I'd try and change it for peace of mind.
Just pass them your passport/booking form and say nothing, it's not usually a problem. I had the same thing in January flying from Pula, my colleague had forgotten the last letter of my surname and I only noticed as I was getting my passport from my bag.
My name was also spelt wrong on a Ryanair (maybe Aer Lingus) ticket and I got away with it.... my name is as per my username here with an extra 'e' at the end, fairly unusual and a friend spelt it wrong, no problems getting the flight although I was a bit worried.
