Naas opinions on living there

Tarquin, that sounds terrible. I hope you and your girlfriend have found happiness elsewhere and forget about your bad experience. We've all been there at some stage, just move on and forget about it and never go back!!-)
its a silly generalisation tarquin but im afraid its one with which i have to agree. Its just not a very nice place. I do sympathise with yourself and mag2006 because there is nothing worse than being unhappy where you live. some people are so rude and ignorant.
Where were you meeting all these Naas people? I live in Naas and have to say it's very difficult to meet Naas people here. Almost everyone is a commuter from elsewhere. That's probably one of the best things about Naas - thousands of young people from every corner of the country and every corner of Europe.

I agree with those who highlighted the huge number of high quality bars and restaurants - I can think of no town outside of the city that offers more in terms of night life.

There are also a lot of very successful social and sporting clubs including musical and dramatic societies, GAA, soccer, athletics, several gyms/spas, martial arts, scouts, art, golf clubs and societies, tennis, rugby, etc.

Naas is also well known for boutique shopping and horse racing and this may serve to highlight the affluent perception of the town.

The truth is that there is a great mix of people with a noticeable concentration of young people enjoying the lifestyle that Naas offers.
Savvy said:
Within 2-3 years there will be a station in Spencer Dock and that might suit you down to the ground.

This will serve Maynooth and the proposed Dunboyne line, so I'm not sure how it will benefit anyone commuting from Sallins/Naas.

I've only been in the town a few times, I have a good friend from Naas, but I have never lived there. It seems ok, if there was direct route to Connolly I would consider it myself.
I'm from Naas myself and cannot believe the negative response its been getting!!! I lived there most of my life and found it a good, friendly place to live. I don't live there anymore as the commute to Dublin is a pain but I would if it was a bit easier.

I'm really sorry that so many of you had such a hard time there. Its not a good reflection on Naas people but I can assure you that there are plenty of nice, friendly people from Naas, although most probably live in the older housing estates.

I guess things are different now as there are so many people from different places who probably just live there to commute, out of necessity rather than wanting to. Anyway, I just want to say thats its a pretty good town with a lot more going for it than its being given credit for on this forum

This sounds strange. The management companies relationship is with the landlord not the tenant.

The mgmt company should only be contacting you if one of the house rules has been broken. e.g. excessive noise, rubbish being improperly disposed of.

The landlord has to pay the management company a management fee irrespective of his tenant status.
Bought a house in Naas a year ago, absolutelt love it. Find people very friendly and helpful. Plenty of amenties and commute is not that bad although the trains do require more carriages.
There is a late night bus on Thursday' and Friday's from bus Aras or by the Ha Penny Bridge to Naas at 12.30 and 4 am. Check those times though as could be changed.