N7 this evening 02-02-2009, 11:42 PM


Registered User
what an absolute mess!! - have just spent 3 1/2 hours on the N7 between the Red Cow and the Poitin Still....radio station said there was a problem at the incline at the Poitin Still and the AA report said the "Gardai were making it a priority to clear the back log".
Well low and behold when I passed the Poitin Still there were a number of trucks blocking the left lane and the middle lane and an oil truck attempting to cut into the right hand lane where it would have surely blocked up the traffic completely....AND NOT 1 MEMBER OF OUR BOYS IN BLUE THERE attempting to sort out the mess or restricting the trucks from using all 3 lanes.(and I wasnt there at the start of the mess....it was at 8:45pm)
I know one cant blame anyone for the weather and the resulting traffic chaos but the lack of even a single unit at the scene was an absolute disgrace given that on any given day you'll find them parked up a slipway trying to catch people speeding on that stretch of road.
Im away to bed now, where no doubt my local gardai have been for a while.
Re: N7 this evening

In fairness they were on the N4 trying to sort out the M50 roundabout, cars couldn't get up the hill on the sleep road. There were also loads of accidents around so they cant be everywhere.
Re: N7 this evening

in fairness, the N7,N4 & N3 were the worst in the country last night ......and not 1 squad car?? - I dont buy that at all - they dropped the ball and were no where to be seen. A couple passed the pile up heading inbound on the other side so its not as if they couldnt see what was going on. All it would have taken was 1 gardai to stand there and make sure the trucks werent attempting the impossible. I wonder how many were sitting in the station in Naas at the same time getting overtime??
Re: N7 this evening

I would say the n4 was worse! It took me 4 hours and 10 mins to do a drive that usually takes 1.15
Re: N7 this evening

The N7 was an absolute shambles. It took me nearly 5 .... YES FIVE ... hours to get from the Long Mile Road to the Poitin Stil ... a couple of garda cars went past on the hard shoulder but obviously they were on their way home for a cuppa as it made not the slightest bit of difference. A complete joke that they couldn't have foreseen this or been better prepared. So a 1.5 hour journey took me 6.5 hours last night ... got home at 12:50 am having left the office at 6:20pm!
Re: N7 this evening

Absolute disaster.

Took me six hours to get from Liffey Valley to Kill.

Spent almost five hours between slip road at N7 and Poitin Still.
Re: N7 this evening

In front of me was a family with a toddler in the back and I just felt for them, trying to entertain the little fella as they sat helplessly for hours!! Just not good enough tho, apparently the issue was with trucks on the Poitin Stil but if that is the case then surely they could have held traffic back from the hill at the poitin stil for 10 mins so that they could have got a gritter in the clear it and let us all off ... honestly!!
Re: N7 this evening

that would have taken initiative and someone actually making a call on the situation.....lets face it not the gardai' strongpoint
Re: N7 this evening

I was sitting in a 45 min queue at the Bell in Blanch outbound (having taken almost 3 hours to get there from Merrion Square, over 2 hours of that on the short stretch from the Halfway House to the M50/N3 roundabout) when a Garda traffic corps car came along, put on siren and lights and pulled to the front of the queue and stopped. Garda gets out. Hurrah I think, at last someone to sort this mess out. But no, their boot wasn't shut properly. Garda shut it and they drive off!
Re: N7 this evening

Im away to bed now, where no doubt my local gardai have been for a while.[/quote]

Thanks for that, enjoyed a good laugh!!!
When all is said and done, there's nothing like a man in uniform!!!!
Re: N7 this evening

what an absolute mess!! - have just spent 3 1/2 hours on the N7 between the Red Cow and the Poitin Still....radio station said there was a problem at the incline at the Poitin Still and the AA report said the "Gardai were making it a priority to clear the back log".
Well low and behold when I passed the Poitin Still there were a number of trucks blocking the left lane and the middle lane and an oil truck attempting to cut into the right hand lane where it would have surely blocked up the traffic completely....AND NOT 1 MEMBER OF OUR BOYS IN BLUE THERE attempting to sort out the mess or restricting the trucks from using all 3 lanes.(and I wasnt there at the start of the mess....it was at 8:45pm)
I know one cant blame anyone for the weather and the resulting traffic chaos but the lack of even a single unit at the scene was an absolute disgrace given that on any given day you'll find them parked up a slipway trying to catch people speeding on that stretch of road.
Im away to bed now, where no doubt my local gardai have been for a while.

Im away to bed now, where no doubt my local gardai have been for a while.

Exactly how many attempts do you make to get in the cot?:D Perhaps no winter soles on your pampooties!:rolleyes: