N26 makes trading free for all customers.

I wonder where they are making money. There can't be much to be made lending out securities to back options (as I understand most brokers do unless you pay extra to opt out.).

Or is it a loss leader pending future custody / account maintenance fees.
N26 were a bit cheeky with such offers in the past offering great interest rates if you bought their premium metal product.

When enough bought into it they slashed the interest rates so as to be uncompetitive.

Once bitten I'm afraid, won't be going near them for trading.
I just checked out the price difference for a few stocks. 5.44 per share for Campari versus the current price of 5.354 on DeGiro,
428.85 per share for Microsoft versus current price being 424.35/424.4 according to Trade Republic.
So they must be making a bit of money on the spread difference.
It probably depends on the time you checked - if it was after 4.30pm Irish time, the main exchanges would be closed and only those with extended hours (and larger spreads) were still open.
Is N26 using a single exchange like Trade Republic, or can you choose like with DeGiro?
I think it's an outlet called Upvest. The New York stock exchange closes at 4pm NY time which would be 9pm our time, wouldn't the pricing be live still when I checked at 5pm or so? For Campari they're on an Amsterdam exchange so it would have been closed I think by the time I looked.
Yeah, I would expect better on the msft price all right. It's a strange one; I think Revolut use Upvest too - so I guess the prices would be common between the two.