My student loan & making a complaint



Am hoping someone can help me with this, it's really stressing me out.

3 or 4 years ago I took out a student loan from Ulster Bank for 2,500 to pay college fees. On taking out the loan I gave my parents as guarantors, clearly specified that I'd like repayments to come out of my current account every thursday as that was payday. Now, I'm the first to admit I paid no attention to my statements or monitored any repayments, but I heard nothing from the bank so I just carried on, head in the sand I suppose.

Last March I got a call from someone in my local branch, telling me I was in trouble with the loan, this was the first I'd heard from them in 3 years, since I'd taken out the loan. The following weeks I received five or six really threatening letters from their credit management folk in Belfast, strongly worded and scary/stressing!
It turned out the loan I took out for 2,500 euro now had 2,900 euro outstanding, so I refinanced the loan before they shut down the account/defaulted me, they didn't ask for guarantors this time.

I really don't feel like I was treated fairly, surely there's some onus on the banks to make contact when there's an issue? And with that amount due there must of been dozens of missed payments. I'm not trying to shirk responsibility but do I have any recourse with the Ombudsman at all? I'm not working at the moment and I'm expected to pay 80 euro a month, not a lot but I make nothing so it's harder and harder to get that much together every month.

Do I have a chance with the Ombudsman, and has anyone had any dealings with UB's inhouse complaints people?
The Ombudsman will not listen to you until you have exhausted the banks complaints procedures. By all means make a written complaint and see what they say, but it's a lesson for the future, don't assume the bank is always right
Is this a wind-up? I'd say the Ombudsman would laugh the OP out the door!

They have no case whatsoever