Key Post My pension pot has reached €800k - should I stop contributing ?

That's food for thought and I've been thinking about it for a while. I am still struggling to understand why it would be better to take the TFLS from DC vs DB scheme though.
If I turned this upside down and had €120,000 cash tomorrow, should I put it into an annuity that would give me €7k/year gross or put it into something else / equities / spend it?
Do the former two make more financial sense I wonder?

*Just edited this to say gross rather than net
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I personally would want direct control on my own cash asap and take max tax free lump sum from DB and be able to leave maximum value to my loved ones in the event of an early death. Assuming you do live and doing this leaves you very cash liquid, there is nothing to stop further investment with the lump sum outside of a pension. Indeed, you would hope your ARF would continue to grow also.