My neighbour is growing spamspamspam


Registered User
He has around 10 v. large (6ft) plants in full view in his garden which are lovingly stored in the shed overnight. Neighbours on the other side of his house are trying to sell their house and, although potential buyers are bordering on extinct, I'm sure they can't be happy about it. I haven't spoken to them about it and have no intention of doing so. As I live in a small village I don't want to involve the authorities and risk inviting problems.
Anyone had a similar experience?
First off is it definitely spamspamspam and not hemp? - you would have to be very clear on this!

If it is spamspamspam and you don't want to involve the authorities then there is not much you can do! How do you know that the neighbours or even prospective buyers of their property would become aware of this i.e is it very very obvious in the back garden, can it be seen or smelled clearly? - even then if it is they who are trying to sell their house it is really up to them to do something about it. Unless it's a real problem for you personally i'd mind my own business (not being smart!)
Agree with Ney001.

I really dont understand what the issue is. If he is doing something that is cheesing you off, and it is illegal, then report it, if you are not prepared to report it, then just suck it up.

Sorry if that sounds harsh, but not really much else you can do.

I know if someone next door to me was at that mullarkey, I would just say, its not on. Sort it. Then again, I dont think I would even know what a spamspamspam plant looked like. I would probably think it is a lelandi tree or something.

Is it a rough crowd and do they own the house.
Do they not have to grow indoors with heat lamps unless you are living in a tropical country?
Do they not have to grow indoors with heat lamps unless you are living in a tropical country?

They can grow here without hydroponics/lamps but would probably need to be in a greenhouse. The OP didn't say either way - maybe they are.
If you want to PM me the address, I'll make sure they find a good home far from you
First off is it definitely spamspamspam and not hemp?...
There is no difference, it is the same plant - any of the three main varieties can be selected for hemp production (fibrous material used for ropes, sacking, etc.) or delta-9 THC.
There is no difference, it is the same plant - any of the three main varieties can be selected for hemp production (fibrous material used for ropes, sacking, etc.) or delta-9 THC.

Same plant yes but there is a difference between a plant clearly with flowers/buds being cultivated for spamspamspam and a plant being grown for hemp. It would take a whole field of hemp to get high and very small amounts of the bud/flowers etc to get high so I guess it depends what the neighbour has in mind, has he let the plant go all the way to the flowering stage/resin stage?
I understand that some species of oak have leaves very like some species of spamspamspam plant
The plants are actually atractive garden plants as plants go..
What is the law regading cultivating these type of plant?

As long as yer man was an ok bloke then I say what's the harm.
Set fire to it. Just let me know first and I'll call over and breath in the fumes.
Set fire to it. Just let me know first and I'll call over and breath in the fumes.

Well if OP is still confused, perhaps he should invite a few aamers around for a bbq - we can examine and test the plant (for health & safety purposes obviously) and make an informed decision!. (OP you might just make sure that you have about 40 packets of chipsticks and 20 packets of monster munch in )
(OP you might just make sure that you have about 40 packets of chipsticks and 20 packets of monster munch in )

And ruin the fun of finding a 24hr supermarket and buying the entire stock of Mars Bars*? Pah, too much forward planning....

* I've been told...
Packets of skittles can be good.

Brings a whole new depth and sensory implication to the phrase "taste the rainbow"
And ruin the fun of finding a 24hr supermarket and buying the entire stock of Mars Bars*? Pah, too much forward planning....

* I've been told...

And go wandering around Cork at night?? I'd be stoned not stupid!