My Memory is terrible, Can I get help with it?

Darth Vader

Registered User
I have exams coming up and my memory seems to have deserted me. If I read a chapter of the book and come back to it the next day I have forgotten it all and I need to be able to remember alot of names and dates for my exams.

Does anyone know of any classes in memory retention or the like?
Give up the auld smoko... Ah no only messing....

My best advice would be relax.
It used to happen to me as well all the time.
Often stress causes it.
You will be amazed once you start writing in the exam what comes back to you.
Make bullet points and learn these off by heart. Practice writing out the bullet points in (even) shorter points and this will form your base...have used this method since my Intercert and always got me out of jail

Have a look at the mind map books, can get them in a public library or bookshop. The ones for kids are particularly good. The books give systems for remembering things - I find them useful
Write out a list of questions with the dates etc as answers and get someone to ask you them. By saying them out loud it reenforces them in your head and give you confidence that you do actually remember them.
Do some outdoor activity and get some air, it will energise your brain and imprive memory retention- such as daily walking, jogging or cycling.

I had the same problem as you anytime I was doing exams. I found out that the problem wasn't with my memory but just with the way I was studying! Basically, I was only reading the subject matter, not actually studying it! Now I read everything three times, read through quickly first, then read properly and then skim it for the third time. I also do a quick review of everything I read that day just before I go asleep.
You may find this previous thread give some tips

If its of any help or interest the kids are using which they find good.

I went to a presentation by these people where they gave study tips which seemed good and the kids have found them useful.