My IP address is being blocked frequently


Registered User
I'm replying to this using my mobile data because my WiFi IP address "has been banned". I wonder will it be working tomorrow after the IP address updates.
Do you know your wifi IP address?

Is it Irish based?

What are "IP address updates"?

One user who was banned did subsequently get access without any changes being made.

Back working this morning thanks. German IP address. My dynamic IP address changes every 24 hours. German ISPs do this for some bizarre reason.
I'm getting blocked by IP more or less every second day. Yesterday I was blocked. IP was Today it's working after the IP changed to (as this is my current IP it's redacted. I can un-redact it from tomorrow when it doesn't belong to me anymore). In Germany.
I'm also getting a warning on every post in this thread that: "This message is awaiting moderator approval, and is invisible to normal visitors.". Is that expected behaviour? Doesn't usually happen.
I'm getting blocked by IP more or less every second day.

When we were inundated with spam recently, we blocked IP addresses from which the spam was sent so you are collateral damage.

However, we have since installed CloudFlare which should obviate the need to ban IP addresses. We have unbanned them so it should be sorted.

Post back in a few days to confirm that it's all ok or earlier if you are still having problems.
