My garden brick border: advice please

Registered User
Ok, I cut a trench around the edge of the garden and I have 200 bricks laid side to side around the edge of the garden just below garden level.

This will stop the grass growing into the stone / gravel areas of the path / garden nicely (I can mow the grass over the bricks)

Now I need to make it all permanent and set each brick 'securely'...

Can anyone now tell me:

1 - What do I put under the bricks? (sand, gravel, mortar etc?)
2 - What do I use between the bricks? (?????)

From your own experiences -what works well?


For a proper job, mortar both under and between.

you may also drive steel peggs (re-bar) 300mm long at 500 c/c into the ground. The single course of brick on mortar may be prone to movement. Mortar mix should 1:3

Just to clarify: the bricks are laid on their edges, on course. Like paving almost.

Any further advice appreciated.

if its only a single course won't matter too much but a good base is always better to work on and even level to boot. a string line or a long length of timber for the straight bits but a few beers and you should be right
if its only a single course won't matter too much but a good base is always better to work on and even level to boot. a string line or a long length of timber for the straight bits but a few beers and you should be right


Your bang on, one of the most important things for the weekend gardener to remember, is that you should never forget the beers
