my father Will on his 70 acres !



My father has small farm of 70 acres , he has 4 daughters and 1 son and of course he thinks he should leave it all to the son ! He just thinks that it is the only way it can be done and i am just trying to get alternatives for him . He thinks if he leaves it to one person then the land wouldnt be split up !

Has anyone experience out there of this situation which maybe could offer another solution. He is private man and would never ask anyone but if given another solution might consider it.

I want to deal with this now before it becomes a reality because i think it will save alot of fighting afterwards !
Can we assume you are one of the daughters? Would the son farm it if left to him (full or part time)?

What would you do with your 14 acres if it was split?

Could you sell a portion e.g. 10 acres in individual plots that is suitable for development, spilt proceeds between the sisters and the son keeps the remaining land?

Or else come to an agreement that the children of the sisters each get an acre to build on when they are older, son keeps the remainder.
If your father wants to leave it all to your brother and is happy about this then there is nothing more to be said. It is his land and he can do with it as he wishes.

If he is unhappy that your brother will get all but does not want to split up the land he could for eg leave it to your brother on condition that your brother pays a certain amount to each of his sisters. The problem with this is that although agricultural land can sometimes have a modestly good value the income out of it is poor so in order to pay equality money to his sisters ( unless he has money of his own) he will either have to get a loan ( which may not be serviced fully by the income from the land ) or sell part. Which is what your father is trying to avoid presumably.

When he goes to see his solicitor to make a will they will probably tease out his options with him but at the end of the day the decision is entirely his.
Yes i am one of the daughters, no my brother would not farm it at all, its too small to make anything out of it and he has no interest in it.

I really think over a number of years he would sell it off.

If i got the land, i would actually try and keep it for my kids so i like the idea of getting something for them and letting him take the rest.

Thank you for your ideas at least it gives me other options.

Its a horrible subject talking about wills but we should do it so to avoid rows afterwards!!

My father does not want to spilt the farm so that is why he thinks giving it to my brother is the only way !

Can we assume you are one of the daughters? Would the son farm it if left to him (full or part time)?

What would you do with your 14 acres if it was split?

Could you sell a portion e.g. 10 acres in individual plots that is suitable for development, spilt proceeds between the sisters and the son keeps the remaining land?

Or else come to an agreement that the children of the sisters each get an acre to build on when they are older, son keeps the remainder.
I can see that you are trying to do the right thing but it does look like this is going to blow into an almighty argument. In reality you really will have to allow your father do what he likes. It's his land and the will is his wishes so don't take it personally but the old generation think funny.
This is so common. Farming families, particularly the older generation, nearly always want to leave everything to the oldest son. Talk to your Dad, but as other posters said, it is ultimately his decision.

However if he leaves everything to your brother and nothing to you, then after his death you might consider a section 117 application.
If the son isn't going to farm it at all, it is a bit unfair.
Well, many people would contend that the entire notion of inheritance is inherently unfair. The value of inheritances that one might receive during one's lifetime is generally a matter of luck. Fairness doesn't really come into it.