My ex may well try and force the sale of my home



3 years ago i was a silly girl!!!

i bought a house and becasue i had a terrible credit rating i put my then partner on the deeds and mortgage when i bought a house, I put in £25k and he didnt put anything in. he lived with me for a few months, and then moved out into rented accommodation. I didnt think i could get a mortgage alone, and the redemption fee was £10k for the first 2 years. So I agreed with the ex to give him the £10k as a carrot to keep the mortage the same.

I have just come to the end of the 3 year period, sorted out my credit rating, and offered the ex 10K as agreed, now he has decided that i should give him more, or he will force the sale of the house.

Do I have any hope or am I im a position that I cant get out of

He hasnt been on the electoral reg for the whole time here, and has only lived here for 2-3 months.