My elderly parents were in an hotel fire several years ago.


Registered User
My elderly parents were involved in a hotel fire several years ago, they were very lucky to escape and it had a very traumatic effect on them, especially my mam who hasn't been able to stay away from home since, she is now 89.

They went to see Solicitor and doctor advised them to <mod edit - the op left out the verb here I assume its "sue">.

I heard nothing for ages and dad passed away a few years after.

Eventually I was told case was going ahead and then cancelled, this has been going on for past year and now set to be heard again.

Initially she was told many others took a case as well but today she was told she is the only one and nothing might come out of this.

She is very worried that she will be left paying costs if other party cant pay.

Any ideas ?
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Has your mother spoken to her solicitor recently? What does the solicitor advise?

Mod Note: It is not a good idea to discuss details of potential court case on a public forum like AAM. You have to assume that solicitors on the opposing side may read your posts conferring great advantage to their case. I have removed some details (dates and times).
The risks in Law are, that if she loses case, she must be prepared to pay both her own costs and the other parties costs.

Just because there was a fire in the hotel, does NOT automatically mean that the hotel are liable.