My car was damaged by a falling brick in Kildare Co. Co. car park



Hi everyone. I'd really appreciate some advice about the following please.

I always park in the GAA car park in Newbridge. I parked there this morning, and when I came back to my car this afternoon I noticed a brick on my bonnet. The brick had fallen from the car park wall, and I noticed there was a number of other loose bricks and stones on top of the wall. The brick had badly dented and scratched my bonnet.

I took pictures of the car, the wall, the loose stones, and the loose material from the wall which had fallen to the ground. I immediately phoned Kildare Co Co, but the person who deals with public liability had left work for the day. I left a message for her to contact me tomorrow.

The damage to the car will be substantial ... garage estimate about €700-€1000, and if the bonnet has to be replaced it will be a lot more than this.

So has anyone any advice about what I should do now? Can I get Kildare Co Co to pay for my car? Are they liable for the damage? (I dread to think what a brick/stone from that wall would do to someone's head!!!). The terms of use of the car park are not displayed on the ticket, or anywhere else in the car park ... I checked.

Any suggestions or advice would be very much appreciated.
I think you should engage a solicitor on this one as liability is certainly going to be denied. Don't rely on phone calls to state your case to whoever is responsible for the car park as you need written records of everything.
Why would Kildare Co Co be responsible for a GAA car-park?

Its called the "GAA car park" ... it belongs to Kildare Co Co as far as I know ... I'm open to correction on this, but I'm 99% sure the car park is Kildare Co Co.
Is there a disclaimer that states they accept no responsibility for any damage incurred while your parked there ? Most carparks have them, however I don't know if those signs are worth the "paper" they are printed on
Whatever about a disclaimer covering damage from vandals or property stolen from the car, I'm not sure if it would cover a situation where a brick from the wall of the car park itself fell and damaged the car. It someone's offering a car park service I would assume the property itself has to be kept in good order.