My Car is leaking! Help!

Mary Jones

Registered User
I drive a Mazda Demio and my car is leaking I have a puddle of water in the footwell behind the drivers seat and have no idea where its coming from I also have some water in the boot again at the passenger side although not as much as in the footwell.

There is literally an inch of water - It happened earlier in the year but i thought the kids had dropped a bottle of water but I definitely have a leak.

Any car mechanics experts out there who'd have any ideas! Please
I'd say best bet is to bring to a garage . Is it still under warranty?
It might be a broken seal or a missing grommit from the boot. Or it could be entering via the handbrake or gear selector housings. Water will find the lowest point to settle so it could be coming in from the engine bay, the boot or under the car floor. The fact that it's ponding behind the driver's seat doesn't mean it is coming in at that point. In any case check it out asap as it will cause dampness, odours and might cause electrical problems.

Lift the bonnet,have a look underneath where the wipers are........

On most modern cars there is a plastic/polycarbonate "well/tray" reaching from side to side.
On at least one side there will be a drain hole, more likely than not this drain is blocked, causing the leakage that you describe. Use whatever you have to hand to clear this drain channel.
Run a hose or something similar to prove that you have cleared it( you should see the water running out,usually down by one of the front wheels).

Hopefully you will be now puddle free.
Thanks SparkRite, im going to try that tomorrow myself, i have the excact same problem except it's the passenger footwell!!