My ARF purchased a property in 2020.Can I sell now?


Registered User
I purchased a residential property last year and given current prices in Dublin I feel its a good time to sell.
Is there a minimum period before it can be sold?
No, you can sell it whenever you want.

I would question why you bought it in the first place if you are looking to sell it now? It's not as if things were cheap last year and it's a sudden explosion in prices.
Thanks Steven.I was fortunate to get a run down property in a great location and a good builder that acted fast.I thought it would have to be rented for awhile prior to sale. I have a few people anxious to buy.
Thanks Steven. I was fortunate to get a run down property in a great location and a good builder that acted fast.I thought it would have to be rented for awhile prior to sale. I have a few people anxious to buy.

Did the refurbishment costs come from pension monies? What were the mechanics of this transaction out of interest in terms of financing etc.?
Refurbishment costs came from ARF monies but borrowings are allowed up to c.50%

My main concern that I'm not breaking any ARF rules with a quick disposal.Would appreciate to hear from anyone that had a similar position.