Mutual funds


New Member
Hi all,

Just looking for advice if it is a good idea to have all my money invested in a mutual fund or should I mix and match it with buying stocks or other options in conjunction with money on a mutual fund.

Reason I'm asking is that it seems risky to me to have all my eggs in one mutual basket and if there was a economic meltdown I'd be screwed.

I pay approx 15% of gross into pension ATM but will bring that up to maximum. I'm worried i might not be spreading my risk enough with regards to investments. One of the funds I'm looking at charges 1.5% per annum which seems crazy to me. I'm in no rush to invest but looking for advice and will be reading as much as I can on the subject before doing so.

Any advice welcomed.

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It's pretty much impossible to give any meaningful advice without an understanding of your overall financial position.

Would you consider doing a "money makeover"?