Music you haven't listened to in a while...JOY

I used to listen to The The 'Infected' and 'Soulmining' practically on repeat going back about a decade or so. Then just maybe once a year or so.

Listened to them about a month ago in the car and was really struck with just how good these albums are. Matt Johnson was a genius, and these are by far his best works.

If you have never heard these CDs, go out and buy them now. You can pick them up for peanuts.
Watching the film the other night "The Boat that Rocked". The Rolling Stones greatest hits has been dusted and ready to go.
Town to Town - Microdisney

Only Cork people of a certain age will know what I am talking about.
Watched Tinker Tailer Soldier Spy

I don't understand the lyrics to this Julio Inglesias song but love it

Le Mer
I haven't heard my Michael Buble cd in a while and would love to listen to it if only my husband would admit where he has hidden it...
Prompted by Levon Helm's masterly " Dirt Farmer " I dragged out the Band's box set which I hadn't listened to for some time all the way through.

How magnificent they were in their pomp.
Did a serious cook-a-thon last night after buying nearly half of Aldi and had David Bowe on the go...bliss (the poor kids)