Music Download sites


Registered User
How secure are music download sites? My daughters would visit these sites regularly and while I have told them about checking for viruses I’m afraid that they will allow a download while listening to music. Are there sites that I should tell them to stay away from? Are there sites that you would recommend to use?
What sites in particular is she using? Are these legal or illegal downloads? If they are the latter then note that IRMA have been taking claims against people who facilitate this recently - including minors whose parents may be held liable. Do you run a firewall, virus checker and one or more spyware/adware checkers and keep the systep up to date with operating system updates and patches (e.g. via Windows Update)? See the two links that I posted in this thread for some useful stuff in this context.
I think they use Imesh (sp?). Is this legal or illegal? Is it safe? Not sure of other sites they might use.
Based on the results of and this Wikipedia article I would certainly be wary and would research them a bit more before using their services. If she is not paying money for the downloaded music then most likely it's illegal. Presumably you can ask her what other sites she uses?