Munster -v- Leinster

I'm not sure about the rights and wrongs of this - I can see both sides.

But let me ask you a question. If it was your father providing the tickets and they were in the Munster section and your husband insisted on wearing the Blue of Leinster, how do you think your father would feel about it?


I don't see the fuss, both sets mix at games its much ado about nothing.
I don't see the fuss, both sets mix at games its much ado about nothing.

Exactly. When did segregation of fans become acceptable in Irish sport anyway? Maybe since technically Leinster are the away side, we should keep their fans locked in for 30 mins after the game!

People should just enjoy the game and wear what they want. Its a great day for Irish sport. Having said that, my Limerick girlfriend (who will be wearing red in the Leinster section) is beginning to make some noises about possible reprecussions if Leinster win!
Leinster branch get 30,000 tickets and Munster branch get 30,000 tickets how many leinster supporters will be getting tickets through the Munster branch?
Leinster branch tickets for Leinster fans quite simple. I am sure the 200 REAL MUNSTER fans who showed up for this match in 1998 in Doordoyle in the home of Irish rugby should be able to be accomadated The bandwagon fans can get tickets through their own branch why should her father in law risk the clubs international allocation!! Anyway leinster is going to need all the help it can get to win this match
What is this rubbish about segregation all they are doing is making sure Leinster fans get leinster tickets and the stadium is not all red.
Interestingly enough one of wifes of the Munster team comes from a real Leinster rugby family in fact her brother in Law will be playing for Leinster wonder who she will be supporting

But they are only selling tickets to the clubs and supporters club so the only way Munster fans can get their hands on them is if they are given them by a so called Leinster supporter. You slag off bandwagon supporters but leinster have more than their fair share of them. It was a stupid e-mail to send out and I see they have now completely backtracked. This country is too small for that rubbish. As I say I am giving one of my leinster branch sourced tickets to my muster jersey wearing Limerick girlfriend. Shoot me.

My Dublin rugby club has a high % of Munster players and we have an open Draw for our tickets as demand surpasses supply only a few got tickets. Munster players who have won the right to buy tickets cannot wear Munster jerseys to the game as the tickets will be in a Leinster section of the ground and we are not risking our international allocation. Thems the rules they do not have to take them if they don't want to but if they do and wear Munster colours thus risking our international allocation they will not get tickets through the club again. As I said how many Leinster fans will be getting tickets from the Munster branch/clubs?

My dad's dead 17 years, not sure he'll care............ but to somewhat answer your question it is out of respect for my husband that I won't wear my jersey (still kills me to say it) although he hasn't once says he expects me not to...... I'd like to think, actually I know for a fact my Dad would have "had words" should that balderdash have been suggested in a Limerick Club, it would have been laughed out of any Limerick Club at the mere suggestion!

Go Sunny, hope your girlfriend makes it out alive!
By the way Sunny exactly how much back tracking are they doing? I see a chink......

that really depends on how many are members of munster rugby clubs doesn't it?
I really don't understand how you can tell people not to wear munster jerseys. If they simply wear the lions jersey or a red top will they be exempt from future draws? Has Leinster issued a dress code to its supporters now?

Many rugby fans are just that, rugby fans. It would not be unknown for Dublin based Munster fans to have Leinster season tickets. Because they like to watch (High) quality rugby and go with friends as a social outing.

The whole thing is laughable and true rugby fans on both sides should wear red in protest.

This whole sad affair will make victory on and off the pitch, all the more sweeter come next weekend.

Hi Luckycharm. Not sure if I'm understanding you properly but is your club being told from on high that if you wear a Munster jersey in a Leinster section of a Heineken Cup semi final, you shouldn't get a ticket to support Ireland in an International match?
That's crazy, so clubs in Leinster have no problems with Munster lads playing for them, but they're not happy leaving them wear whatever jersey they want to a Heineken Cup game.
The more Leinster push this stupid agenda, the more red there will be in Croke park next week.
It is stupid. For all the going on by Leinster Rugby, it is now Sunday morning and they still haven't sold out their allocation on ticketmaster. What was all the fuss about ?

Munster lads, connaught lads, mexican lads, hungarian lads - anyone can play for clubs in dublin unlike what some people think and some media like to push- if you want to play rugby in dublin No one cares where you are from and you will be welcomed!!
Leinster branch tickets are for Leinster fans - Munster branch tickets are for Munster fans - I have been a leinster fan and going to matches since the early 1980s. I don't have a Leinster season ticket as don't have time to go to matches as involved in a club here. I cannot get a ticket for the game this sat through my club where half our tickets have gone to Munster fans- they contribute equally to the club so fair enough. Last Hec Semi Munster fans dominated the stadium alot of them through Leinster branch tickets - Leinster branch I guess want to make sure this does not happen again and want to ensure Leinster tickets go to Leinster fans. The tickets are evenly split between the provinces so it is up to the Provincal branch that their own supporters get their tickets. If I apply to the Munster branch will they give me a ticket?
Hi Luckycharm,

It's a bit late for this year, but new members will be accepted from June 1st to June 30th 2009. I'm sure MRSC will have no problem taking your money.
Whoever gets tickets I just hope the "Lunster" fans, so aptly described by Reggie Corrigan in the Sunday Times, don't get them.