Multiple TV's


Registered User
Does anyone know the legal situation for having multiple televisions? I have four TV's and one TV licence. Am I "breaking the law" or am I covered?
By the way, nothing annoys me more (and others I suspect) than paying out money to cover Pat Kenny or Gerry Ryans salary.
One license per household no matter how many TVs you have.

Please take ancillary rants to Letting Off Steam.

Edit: Post crossed with CM.
asaik you can as many tellys as you want for the one licence in the one house. but if you have a holiday home and take one there for even a month then you need a seperate licence for it. what I find slighly odd about this is that the licence is for the licence holder - not the address.
As far as I know the licence is for the address and not the person.

When I was a transient flat sharer we always had a licence but never in any one of our names. So one year "Michael Mouse" would buy the licence and the next "Snow White" would buy the licence. This way, when we had moved on, we would not recieve any threatening letters etc.
but if you buy a licence now as ajapale and sell up and move to say Limerick then the licence moves with you.
As far as I know the licence is for the address and not the person.

I dont know if thats true as the licence's database doesnt seemed to agree. My daughter got a demand to buy a licence at her my address despite me having a licence for that address. It took afew phone calls to a number in Longford to get it sorted.
but if you buy a licence now as ajapale and sell up and move to say Limerick then the licence moves with you.
I did think the same, but looking on the wording used maybe not.
If you change your address, notify your local TV Licence Record Office and you can move your licence to your new address.
It's still registered to an address (not the person), you're just able to update which address.
If you sell and move to a new address you can move the licence to a new address. In a transient flat share situation (20 years ago) this was not an option - it was better to allow 'Snow White' to renew her licence than trying to decide who gets the licence.

Incidently Im sure its possible for a club, or company to have a licence with no one explicitly named?