Multiple motor tax fines in one week


New Member
Hi all,

I’m just hoping to acquire more information on this issue.
Recently, I got a 180 euro fine in the form of 3 separate 60e charges from Cork city council. Initially, I got one fine on the Tuesday the 4th of May for failure to display an in-date tax disc. I had paid up to March but had forgotten to replace my tax disc for March as I had misplaced it last week when cleaning the car out. The receipt for the disc was displayed on the window, however. After this first fine, I immediately taxed my car and was awaiting the disc in the belief that I would not be charged again and to drive a car without a tax disc could present a far heavier fine.

However, I was again fined for the same offense twice more with a 60e fine on 6th and 7th May even when I had paid for my tax on the 5th and was awaiting the disc. I could not display the receipt as I did not have access to a printer or Internet cafe and believed that I would be given time to amend my error as I was already fined and my fine was afixed to the wiper. I work in a hospital with Covid patients so I’m mindful about visiting shops. I paid the arrears charge on top of the motor tax cost but I find it unbelievable that Cork city council will not remove or discuss the last two fines as there was nothing I could do in the interim period between my payment of the tax and waiting for the disc.

The facts are that I had paid up till March, misplaced that disc and forgot to tax for the period beginning from April 1st.. I displayed the receipt for this disc on the windscreen in its stead and upon receiving the fine I went and taxed the car immediately and awaited the disc to display. The gardai say that I should not have to pay the last two fines but it is a civil matter which is why I am asking for advice here.

Maybe I’m totally wrong but wanted to see if anyone here had advice.
You can write an appeal to

Just give the facts
1 1st fine on x date. Paid fine on x date
2 renewed tax on x date. Receipt attached
3 2nd fine on x date
3 3rd fine on x date
Needed to continue driving car as working.
want to appeal against 2nd & 3rd fine, as I had acted on first fine and paid for tax and was awaiting tax disc.

see how it goes. There is a form too.

[broken link removed]
As above, you can appeal and best approach that in a conciliatory tone, but in law, the offence is in failing to display a valid tax disc. Per your account above, the fines are all perfectly valid as legally they are all separate offences. Getting a speeding fine on a Monday doesn't allow you to speed as you wish no the Tuesday. They may waive the fine applied after you paid and were awaiting delivery of the disc, but they are not obliged to.