MSN & Netmeeting


Registered User
How susceptible is my PC to viruses and spyware intrusions while chatting on Chat Sites, MSN or Netmeeting.? Most of my family use one or other on the above fairly frequently. Can my IP address be logged (and what use is it to anyone) while using any or all of the above - don't mind it being logged by the site admin but I would have a concern for it to be logged by other users.

OS - Windows Millennium (spelling?)
Virus Checker - AVG
Spyware - can't remember but I have something that was recommended here.
Dial Up connection - only online while on the net.
Just wanted to bring this to the top as I had hoped for some response - maybe my timing was bad due to holidays.
i've never as far as i know, got anything bad from msn etc - once you don't elect to download something that is offered to you through that medium.

avg and spybot? are good to have, keep them up to date.
As far as I know msn (and other im services) aren't p2p, that is to say you don't establish a direct connection with another user rather your message is passed through a server and then the server in turn passes it on to its recipient. So the only way you could be susceptible to any problems would be if their server got messed up and the chances of that are slim.