MS Office Tip: Drop Down Menus Full List



If like me you get frustrated with ms office when its drop down menus only list the most recently used options; then this is the way to force it to list all the options

Directions for Office 2000
Go to "Tools", "Customize".
Under the "Options tab"
un-check the "Menus show recently used commands first".

Directions for Office 2002-XP or 2003
Go to "Tools", "Customize".
Under the "Options tab"
check the "Always show full menus".
thanks for that tip - i find that really frustrating as well
I find MS Office very frustrating in every way, so long life OpenOffice........
Re: frustrating...?

What about that bloody ?!? [right-click, save to disk, change the file extension from .jpg to .mpg] :D
Re: frustrating...?

Thanks that has been bugging me for months ,just never got around to looking it up. Any idea how to do the same for the main START menus in XP??