Mr Ogle has done us all a service by being so frank about the lavish pay & conditions

the excessive salaries/wages in esb was a major influencer in me changing to another provider 2 years ago. its a pity that a couple of hundred thousand more customers didnt leave them and force them to get a grip.
the excessive salaries/wages in esb was a major influencer in me changing to another provider 2 years ago. its a pity that a couple of hundred thousand more customers didnt leave them and force them to get a grip.

The starting point is to cancel their direct debit, I am doing that now.
His union members won't be happy over this

What is he trying to do?

Doesn't he watch the Irish Farmers Association or the taxi unions?
Always play the poor mouth
Now he has given an open invitation for the Minister to step in and make cuts

We may see the bould Ogle have his spokesman duties taken off him or even fired
There are two problems. One what he said about social partnership and terms and conditions of employees in semi states (which we all already knew about). The other problem is that we had the union leader of a bunch of employees with the capability to blackmail this country talking to a bunch of left wing militant republican nutters.
Wasn't Ogle the nutter that led some break-away branch of the train drivers union on a fruitless strike a few yrs back?

People like him give trade unions a very bad name.
I was actually watching his speech today. If the guys in the UK get 4 years for failing to organise a local riot on Facebook, thus guy should get 20 years for threatening the Country. Do the ESB really pay his wages as reported.
I was actually watching his speech today. If the guys in the UK get 4 years for failing to organise a local riot on Facebook, thus guy should get 20 years for threatening the Country. Do the ESB really pay his wages as reported.

I watched it as well and I agree. His comments about "proper marches" being ones where car and building were burned and how we needed "proper marches" shows the true nature of the man.
surely any good journalist worth his salt in this country could, by asking the right person the right questions, detail the list of perks and allowances in question here. There's bound to be a few people in ESB and other public organisations who are sick to their back teeth of the practices around them and who could discreetly 'point' a journo in the right direction!

Maybe a good journalist could figure out why the usual apologists for the unions have not posted on this thread. Could it be that Mr Ogle has put the lie to the nonsense that they usually trot out.The mask has slipped - PS unions are nothing more than a powerful vested interest group. Their platitudes about protecting services are nothing more than a smoke screen - they are really all about protecting pay and conditions that this country quite simply cannot afford.
Apparently, we are held to be equal citizens in this country. So riddle me this - where is the equality in the fact that private sector workers have been made compulsory redundant in huge numbers, and yet, not one single PS worker has suffered the same fate? Pensions have been decimated in the private sector, yet PS workers continue to accrue pension benefits that are staggeringly expensive to provide. I could go on...and on...and..
I doubt very much that the Labour party will stand up to their pals in the union movement....I hope the IMF et al cut through all the nonsense, to drive radical reform of the PS.Maybe then will we have a society where all citizens are treated equally, not only in word,but in deed......