MP3 Player With Bluetooth


Registered User
Does anyone know where (other than online) I can buy an MP3 player with Bluetooth (and wifi but not overly necessary!)?

Not sure on the Ipod as I currently have all my music stored on my Galaxy S4 so not sure if I can transfer that or not - if that is possible, then let me know as it would make my search a lot easier!

It would help if you gave an idea of how/where you want to use it — I presume the idea is to be able to access your mp3 collection without running down your S4's battery? Or is it for jogging/gym use? (i.e. something small, light and shock/splashproof, as opposed to huge capacity)

And yes, it's easy to transfer from the S4, depending on what you go for.

But what exactly do you want bluetooth for — connecting to your car stereo or something? (because there are easier/better ways...)
Main use would be for connecting to bluetooth in the car.....2nd would be for out walking so something small and compact!
I was told that its not possible to transfer from S4 to iPod and that only iTunes could be used??
You can't transfer the files directly, you'd have to copy everything off your phone onto a laptop or PC and then use iTunes to re-import them onto your iPod.

If your car stereo has an auxiliary input socket (looks like it's for plugging earphones into), then that would be a far better way to play music as you could use virtually any mp3 player. My personal recommendation would be the Sansa Clip+ — superb sound, great battery life, tiny and nigh-on indestructible (I've had mine about 6 years now). About €40 delivered from Amazon.

For a decent mp3 player with built-in bluetooth you'd be looking closer to the €100/€150 mark — iPod Touch, Philips GoGear or Creative Zen Touch.

Or, finally, you could get the Sansa Clip or something equivalent and use a simple FM transmitter like this.
thanks for you help DrMoriarty!

i've gone with the Creative Zen Touch 2, an android based MP3 player - hopefully all works out well with it!
Confused - your Galaxy S4 has bluetooth. Why not use that in the car? You already have music on there.
Two reasons: 1) it drains the battery which is quite annoying! And 2) I wanted an mp3 player for out walking instead of carrying a 600euro phone in my hand!

The one I got was only 70euro so not a bad price!