Moving your loan intra branch


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I have a loan with BOI Kilkenny but live in Dublin.

Is it possible to move the loan to a more local branch?

I'd like to speed up payments and a call to a branch in Kilkenny isn't very handy, due to work commitments. The local branch won't deal with my queries as its not "their" loan.
That seems a bit ridiculous. I would have thoughts accounts in the dublin branch would be able to amend your standing order without any difficulty.

At the same time there should be nothing to stop you getting a loan for the balance from the dublin branch over a shorter period.

Still thinking back to my time with AIB over 10 years ago I still can't believe they won't help you out.
Why not register both accounts for online banking, then you can transfer money into it whenever you see fit. I would be reluctant to suggest that anyone actually increases their repayment schedule. If you cut it a bit too fine & your s/o is unpaid, it can be really costly. Better to get into the habit of lodging extra every month, at your own discretion. You've total control that way & your loan will still get repaid more quickly. Your local branch definitely could be a bit more helpful if they wanted. Did you perhaps make your request when they were really busy over the Christmas/New Year period ? You might get a better response at quieter times.