Moving to the US...advice?



Dear all...

I'm moving to the United States (California to be exact) to study at UCLA, and I'm just wondering about a few things.

I have a credit card and an overdraft, both with NatWest. Is there any way that I can transfer both balances to the US?

The plan is to be in California for at least 9 months, and then to find a year long internship, so I'm wondering if its worth my while to find a way of paying my debts off in the US rather than to send money back to the UK.

If anyone could advise, I would be most grateful.
While you'll have no problem opening a current account (Checking account in the US) and getting a debit card, and quite possibly an overdraft and even credit card without much difficulty (compared to the UK or Ireland), you will have serious difficulty getting a loan over there without proof of income (over a period of time), credit history etc.

I'd suspect that your only option, at least in the short to medium term, is to continue paying the loans via the UK.

I'd suggest that you find a convenient and cheap way of transferring the money back to your loan account(s) in the UK. Some banks do much better deals than others and may be able to set up a regular standing order