Moving To Poland In 2011


Registered User
I've applied for a job in the construction sector in Poland. I'm a bit worried about the move, know very little about the culture or country and have never worked outside Ireland before.

Has anybody worked there?
Well how much does the job pay? It may pay less than the welfare you could get here.
I think it is not too different than ireland except they speak polish and drive on the rhs of the road.
apparently i heard that no irish are allowed on sites over there. came from a reliable source that this is happening and they advertise this on sites by means of signage. it maybe a rumour as im not sure
Sunrock, salary is negotiable. Job vacancy is through an Irish company who are based there.

Marti18, I'm glad you mentioned that. I've heard similar stories.

Hi this is simply not true, this was something that was put on the internet to make irish people resent polish community. Everyone I have talked to admits it is rubbish.

Of course when the OP goes there to live it will be strange for an irish people to go onto a construction site as the co workers may be a little shocked as it doesnt happen so often.

I would suggest taking a quick language course before departing and once there try to talk polish as much as possible to integrate into the workplace.

There is also something you should good, website expats-in-poland, so you could still keep in contact with other irish and brits.

Just PLEASE dont believe these silly stories about the anti-irish slogans in the the site and if there are let me know or else you can go to the irish embassy in warsaw and report it, easily solved. Just the same as with poles here, they expect equal standards and after how accepting the irish have been for them its only right they welcome us with open arms too.

apparently i heard that no irish are allowed on sites over there. came from a reliable source that this is happening and they advertise this on sites by means of signage. it maybe a rumour as im not sure