Moving to Northern Ireland & Brexit


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An opportunity has presented itself for us to leave Leinster and move to Northern Ireland.

Would mean a very small mortgage, less stress, good school for kids, closer to ageing family. Emotionally a positive move.

Financially however..?

Partner has opportunity to work remotely and travel to Dublin couple of times a a month for meetings etc. He will be paid in Euro. Currently his salary equates to a very high NI wage, even considering currency exchange shifting.

Where can we get advice on residing in NI and getting paid in ROI?

Willing to pay a professional for advice, just not sure what kind of professional we would need, and if they even exist with the unknown of Brexit looming.
Just wondered can anyone advise? Thank you.
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This might help but whatever he does it will involve paying tax through his employers payroll system here and a self assessment tax return in Northern Ireland.
Thanks Purple. Very helpful. I believe I can hire a cross border accountant who specialises in tax with Ireland North and South to get more detail.