Moving to Ireland



Hi all

I'm potentially moving to Ireland in a few months time to take up a new job, and am doing some prelim work at looking at houses etc. Help!

Where is a good area to move to? - I'm looking to spend upto €250k, I think, and would like to be less than 1hr commute from Trinity College area

Any thoughts, pointers would be much appreciated. If you name any towns, could you do this slightly confused englishman a favour, and name the County as well, so I can find it on myhome/daft etc!


Hi Steve, good luck with the move. I am a native of Ashbourne, Co. Meath, I grew up there and I also recently bought a home there. I can recommend it highly location wise, it is very near Dublin but not Dublin house prices. It has everything you need in a town with regard to amenities and is about 30 mins on bus from city centre (Trinity etc) If you want any other details on the town pls feel free to private message me. Certainly as a starting point on daft / myhome you should check out Ashbourne.
Hi. Should you consider renting for a period of time before you decide to buy. It would give you a chance to get a feel for an area before commiting. An area which you might consider is Swords Co. Dublin. It is beside the airport, so handy for traveling back home and is about a 45 minute commute to Trinity college. It is close to the M50 and M1. It also has good bus links including the Swords express which uses the port tunnel to get comuters into the city center without stops.

Thanks guys for the quick response - appreciate it

will look at both of those - watch this space! hunting will start in earnest after friday, when I either say yay or nay to the job....looking like a yay though!

I would recommend renting in the south city centre to start with. I am not a fan of commutes and think its better to spend a few extra bob on rent than on transport. After a while you can decide whether you wish to buy or even move out to commuterland. Areas I would suggest would be Grand Canal street, Aunger street, Camden street, Portobello and surrounding Dublin 2 and Dublin 4 postcodes. A fifteen to twenty minute stroll to work in the morning regardless of traffic, weather, bus strikes etc.

Edit: Of course I presume here that you are coming alone and would be renting a one or two bedroom apt. If there are kids and you would be needing a three/four bed house and garden the price may be inhibiting.
I will say check on daft by looking at the house pics you will get a feel of houses available. All areas suggested here are good in value. Select 5-6 properties in your price range and area and refer back here and we can advise is it good or bad area.

As recommended earlier will be good to rent for 6 months before commiting to purchase, as it is a nightmare to sell properties in this market.

Best of luck on whatever you decide.
I think it is more than how much the OP wants to spend.
What are the requirements other than price?
Is there family/kids/schools to be considered?
Is the OP single and wanting to be able to meet people if so city area is better.
Does the OP want a house, apt, have a preference for country living and so on.
There is some great value within walking distance on the south side of the city.
I would recommend renting to start with also.
I would also recommend renting first.
It would be the most prudent thing to do, rather than trying to buy a house in a hurry from a distance and in a place you don't know.

Also, with starting a new job, you can do without the stress of a house purchase on top of it.
More details

Thanks all, I genuinely appreciate it

just to add more details, I'm not single, I'm married and moving here with my wife. No kids yet, but are planning on it in next couple of years.

Generally we prefer a country life, but do love what a city can offer as well,- guess we're just greedy!

I think it's sound advice to rent initially,- will certainly look into that. I'll have a look on the sites and revert back with some of my thoughts.

Hi there, with repect to locations to look for I would advise somewhere with a decent rail service. That narrows down your search conciderably.

In Dublin you have the Dart service (North and South), the luas, South and South West of the city. But there is also suburban rail. This covers Maynooth, Castleknock (I think). The Arrow rail service covers Kildare and Naas (really nice towns 20 odd minutes by rail into town).. Then you have the Nothern rail including Drogheda, Balbriggan etc..

I am slightly biased in relation to Naas, as my mum lives there and she finds the Arrow fantastic, you are also near the Kildare outlet, the curragh, the Kildare National stud amongst the few attractions to the place.. Naas is also a really nice town to walk about in as well. As previous posters recomended renting first is the best approach..
The Arrow rail service covers Kildare and Naas (really nice towns 20 odd minutes by rail into town)..

I don't doubt that Kildare and Naas are nice places to live in but would you recommend them for commuting? Unless someone had their family / friends there and wanted to live near them I think it's a bit far out for the OP to consider. Also how much does this Arrow rail service cost for a day return? The OP should consider travel costs from the locations - cheaper rent would cover the travel costs I know but it may be he prefers higher rent and less travel.
BTW OP I agree renting is a good idea for you and your family while you settle over here and perhaps you should only be considering a purchase if you decide to settle permanently in the country.
Definitely rent first!

You may want to make a hasty retreat when you see the next budget.
Surely the next budget can't be as bad as the one we're going to get here in the next 49 days and counting!- £6bn taken off public sector spend this year alone!!

For context, I'm currently doing 70-90 min commute by car, depending on whether it's morning or evening, so 20 mins on a train is a stroll in the park!!
For context, I'm currently doing 70-90 min commute by car, depending on whether it's morning or evening, so 20 mins on a train is a stroll in the park!!

My experience of commuting is that 20 minutes on a train is best scenario. Trains often break down, held up for a cow on the line, are canceled, on strike, jammers etc. I really would recommend staying in close proximity rather than putting yourself through this process every day.
Surely the next budget can't be as bad as the one we're going to get here in the next 49 days and counting!- £6bn taken off public sector spend this year alone!!
Well the next UK budget will certainly be interesting. You have it easy with £6bn off public sector spend. Cowen frequently hands this trifling sum over to Anglo Irish Bank.
Lenihan's looking for €3bn worth of cuts:

Maybe Norway might be a better bet!
I have to say that is not true I work in Park West. Alot of the staff where I work live in Kildare and use the train and I never hear of problems with the Arrow. None of the guys have ever been late or have missed days because of the train...
OP, if you make the decision to come join us physically, welcome (a virtual welcome to AAM in any case).

Like other posters I would encourage you and your wife to consider a rental close to Trinity initially (D2, natch, my old stomping ground ). This should cut down on commute-time in the first 6/12 months and leave more valuable time free for exploring.

When it comes to exploring, bike, bus or Shank's mare are the best fair weather options and the green spaces around D2 are amazing (Merrion & Fitwilliam Squares and their beautiful Georgian terraces, St Stephen's Green, etc.).

Whatever decision you make job-wise I hope it works out for you both.
I don't doubt that Kildare and Naas are nice places to live in but would you recommend them for commuting?

It's all relative. Newbridge is ~30-40 minutes on a train (I've been on a train that took 26 minutes once), Kildare is ~35-45 minutes. Some people have much longer bus journeys from much shorter distances.
The OP will also have to consider the bus/luas/walk from Euston to city centre to get to Trinity. Would somewhere on the Dart or either Luas not be better. Maynooth might be nice or them as it's a University town.
I have to say that is not true I work in Park West. Alot of the staff where I work live in Kildare and use the train and I never hear of problems with the Arrow. None of the guys have ever been late or have missed days because of the train...
They must have been on their skiing holiday when [broken link removed] happened then ? My point was not about people missing work but generally spend ages waiting on trains.