Moving start bar from vertical to horizontal


Registered User
Sorry if this is a really stupid question - one of my kids managed to move the start bar (blue one along the bottom showing what programs, documents are open) from the bottom horizontal position to the right hand vertical position and I can't put it back. Any suggestions? I've tried dragging it but it just gets wider. I've tried google for help but there are so many topics with start bar, horizontal, vertical and move that I can't find what I need. Sorry again if this seems trivial but it's driving me nuts. Thanks.
Don't grab the edge of it (where your cursor turns into a two-headed arrow), just click in the middle of it somewhere and you'll be able to drag it back into place...
DrMoriarty said:
Don't grab the edge of it (where your cursor turns into a two-headed arrow), just click in the middle of it somewhere and you'll be able to drag it back into place...

Screenshot and detailed instructions . :)
That's great - thanks for your help. Screen is back to normal now.