Moving mortgage after fixed term ends



Anyone coming to the end of their fixed term on their mortgage and considering moving?
With First Active at the moment and coming to the end of mine and their variable rate is pretty high!
Most other banks seem to be bringing their variable rates down alot so I am seriously considering moving!

So just wondering if anyone was thinking the same or had any thoughts of moving mortgages in these volatile times.
firstactive variable rate seems to be notorious compared to halifax.... halifax are still encouraging switch and save mortgages... they pay 1000€ for solicitor and 150€ for valuation... standard variable rate seems to be a 1% less than firstactive...
no affiliation with halifax
Last time our fixed rate ended I told the bank I was switching to another bank and they gave us a lower interest rate for our new fixed term, best thing to do is find another lender with a lower rate and then ask your current bank if they want to match it before you switch