Moving Money from Wise to Revolut - Request for Fund Recall


Registered User
I receive shares options through an ESPP. I had been using Revolut to receive the proceeds in US$. When Revolut changed to Irish IBANs, they weren't recognised by the broker site we used. So, I set up a Wise account to receive the dollars.

I transferred some dollars from Wise to Revolut, both accounts are in my name. Funds arrived in Revolut the same day. About 3 days later, I received a message from Revolut that they had received a formal request from the senders bank to recall the funds. I was given the option to accept or reject the request. I rejected.
I contacted Wise to ask if a recall had been requested, I didn't request one. They replied that their partner bank has a procedure that if the recipient bank doesn't confirm the funds have been received, they initiate a request for a recall.

Is this unusual? Should Revolut had sent a confirmation. I've transferred a few times and never seen it. Initially thought it was some sort of scam.