I know exactly what you mean. I moved from the UK six years ago, and took out a Euro loan to cover some UK debt I had. Of course I got completely stiffed on the rate compared to now. If I had a lesser developed conscience I would have walked away from the whole debt, like an acquanitance of mine who walked away from a 20k debt in the UK and got away with it. Anyway, I have been paying down the debt since, and now just want to get rid of it, so I need to find a way to pay it off with this inheritance, but I will loose a good chunk of change by using Ulster Bank! But I am wary of using a forex dealer - are they safe? I've googled a bit and have found recommendations, but also some scarey tales. I will also be selling dad's aprtment (god help me) so there will be a fair amount of money to move (in the tens of thousands) so I need to find a safe and financially advantageous way of doing this. Any advice or recommendations really appreciated.