Moving indoor drain



Hi All, I'm new to the site so hope I've posted in the right place! We have an indoor drain which is located in a downstairs bedroom. The drain leaked last night with water oozing up through the wooden floors. I'm waiting for the drain experts to come and unclog it. Just wondering would anyone have information on moving an indoor drain outside and what the costs might be.
The house was built in 1947 and the drain is located in an extension built onto the front of the house. Appreciate any advice :)
Sorry if this sounds unsympathetic, but your question is very challenging if not impossible to answer over the interweb.

You'll more than likely need an engineer / architect to plan the "move" after a detailed inspection and a plumbing contractor to give estimates for time, materials and cost.

Is this a private drain or are any neighbours connected to it? Where are you located?
Thank you for your reply. Its a private drain. Had the drain specialists out to clear it. Going to have the drain moved outside. Drain guy says it's possible but I'm going to have to get an engineer and builder check it as you suggested. Apologies as I know it was a broad question but I was in a bit of a panic and came across this website while googling! Thanks again :)