Moving home to IRELAND & Mortgages/The Stamp



Hello all.
Here is my prediciment and if anyone could advise the appreciation would be in maxim.

At present I am currently residing in London with my girlfreind. The general feeling of late is that we should move back to Ireland, which is a good news all round factor.

Now when we get back home we're going to buy a house together (den den den), which is the crux of the issue.

Would it be better to get the mortgage from an Irish bank while still working in England. The problems I can see with this are you won't be able to get a 92%-er (I've been quoted 75 to 90%) but more importantly will I have to pay stamp duty at an ivestors rate even if we are buying our first home to move home to. I'm starting to think that we are......... so firstly does anyone know if this is the case or is there a way around it.

I've only been in England since last December, so it seems a bit of a rip to me to have to pay it. I wonder if I move back first and get a job in Ireland and my girlfreind stays in England for a month or two could we get a mortgage with one of us in Ireland and one in England and thus get back the first time buyers status and not have to pay it on anything less than €317k.

Basically I'm concerned that if we move back home and get a mortgage from our new Irish jobs, we'll be on less wages and as thus we mighn't get as much and we'll have to wait out our probations, then we'll have to get a short term rip off lease somewhere blah blah messy ....

So any angles anyone, would be well appreciated.
If you are buying a NEW home with floor area less than 125 sq m., you won't be liable for stamp duty anyway...... You will be exempt as an owner-occupier
Thanks very much for the reply, I like the positive jist...

The thing is though I'm asking could we buy the house from England and then move back home into it as owner occupiers without paying stamp duty.

Thats the thing when we move into it all the stamp duty guidelines will permit us not to but it, it's just that buying it from England and hen moving home into it might incrue an "investors" stamp duty. Would it??
I'd imagine you could buy as owner occupiers as your intention IS to use it as your PPR- it may take you some months after buying to actually relocate, but this wont be an issue as long as you dont rent it out in the interim and as long as you DO actually move back and use it as your PPR. Revenue are usually sympathetic to this type of scenario- you could always ring them and see if there is any specific time frame- I find they are very helpful- but do get the name of the person you talk to and make a note of it.
Thanks Vanilla et al.

Okay will proceed to give the revenue a call tomorrow for said confirmation. It's pretty much as I thought it should be but for once I wasn't going to let pure optimism make that call.

I suppose I'll ring the actual "Stamp Duty" section of the Inland Revenue they'd be the best eh????

And lastly I've been reading this forum for ages as I've always thought it was incredibly informative and well utilised, so it's nice to actually get a hand from it....